Friday, June 30, 2023


Well, gosh, how are you all doing?

I hope your week has been better than mine.

Except in the food department.

I can't complain about the food department.

The mercury is set to climb into the high 90's for a few days.

Just in time for the Fourth of July celebrations.

Kinda makes one wish he lived in England.

But you don't want to hear all that so let's get on with the business of the day.

And those are the jokes, folks.

Have yourselves a wonderful weekend and ALWAYS remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . oh, oh . . .)


  1. I had to study the anti-theft joke - it's been so long since I've seen stick shift! I am always delighted to see your Friday funnies! Thank you!

  2. Me, too! Thought it was an old gaming joystick! I like driving a manual transmission, but those younger than me usually don't know how. I liked the cookie!

  3. Love the cookie cutter.
    It is hard to buy a new car with a manual transmission now.

  4. Sorry that life hasn't been as splendiferous as you deserve. I drove a stick for years and could probably still do so. Neither one of my kids can though.

  5. I want one of those cookie cutters and I bet I could still drive a stick-shift. It might be fun to give it a try.

  6. Thank you for the Friday laughs, Catalyst.

  7. I especially like the cookie cutter. 😊

  8. Hah! TP on the teepee! We need to remember to take chocolate when we settle other planets.

  9. HA! I do love the Friday funnies~
