Friday, July 14, 2023


 Vive la France!

Yes, it's France's National Day also known as Bastille Day!

So let's eat lots of snails!

Or you could celebrate another day today: It's National Nude Day!

A day when nudists around the world go au naturel.

But if you plan on celebrating it, probably better put off that trip to the store.

Here in Arizona the mercury is threatening to pass the 100 degree mark so let's begin, as we did last Friday, with something to cool you off.

You know what that means.

The fun is (mostly) over.

Now, non-alliteratively, I would like you to enjoy a remarkable weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . ooooohhh, I know that feeling . . . )


  1. That last one is exactly why I have one of those pill sorters - for day & night meds. Ha!

  2. Way too hot!

    The dog negotiator is my favourite.

  3. So many good ones! The fireman cracked me up because all of ours are hunks and all the women are a flutter when they come to the rescue! Even my 96 year old friend when we called 911 and both got to ride in the fire truck.

  4. It's gone cool and wet here...which it is also in NZ..they have just had Matariki.. Māori. New Year..also the 14th but they are half a day ahead, so now finished

  5. The man on the stroller made me chuckle out loud. Thanks for the smiles!

  6. These are all so good. We laughed and laughed. Thank you for these Friday funnies!

  7. That man is going to ruin that stroller. Just sayin'.

  8. Oh my gosh, the cone of shame is the best!! Too funny!

  9. Poor Kevin. Forgotten for years. Good ones.

  10. It's nice to have some fun at the end of the week - as the bishop said to the actress.

  11. Yeah, I am wondering if I put the pills out this morning. I have a thingie sorter for evening.

  12. Understand the pill thing well. Well, maybe not well, but understand it. tc cambria

  13. Yes, I've had the feeling too! I kind of feel sorry for that poor dog!

  14. Now I'm wondering if that kitty WILL jump nine times.

  15. Not wishing to put the damper on things, but...... Vive la France -- Bastille Day? Vive les Etats Unis -- 4th of July? Some animals, domestic and wild, are terrified on these occasions. And what of the ptsd sufferers? But one mustn't interfere with people's fun, must we?

    1. Yes, you're right. Perhaps best to use those two days (and others) for a solitary day in a secluded place.

  16. Hurray for pill sorters!

  17. I don't think it would help to be nude in that heat--actually clothes and sweating help, right? I actually ignored the French national holiday which is my sister-in-law's birthday and the day after my third grandson was born. Busy, busy.

  18. Here in Phoenix it's been over 110 for 18 consecutive days now. And I heard Death Valley will get to 130... and, we could reach 119. That's not the hottest day ever I've endured here, but it's close enuf.
