Friday, October 6, 2023


 It would be hard to top the antics in Washington this week for sheer, uninhibited, screaming laughter.

If it wasn't so sad.

So in the interests of keeping you all from crying, here is this week's collection of curiously cringeless comedy.

That's all I've got this week, friends.

Now I have Great Expectations that you'll all do your best to have one Dickens of a fine weekend.

Pip, Pip, hooray!

And always, always, always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . oh, yeah, I know all about that . . )


  1. Leaf blowers do seem like pointless contraptions but usually you can switch them to "suck" and rumour has it that Matt Gaetz often does that.

  2. Love butter stonehenge, and the leaf blower one. They drive me crazy - but we have one too (just to blow leaves out of the carport so we can see the acorns instead of tripping on them.). That cat one is 100% true!

    1. Should you or the professor ever need a Pacemaker, you'll have to get rid of that leaf blower. Judy bought one some years back but took it back after she read the instructions and learned it could be dangerous to both of us.

  3. Happy Weekend! Thanks for the laughs!

  4. The Butter! I may have to create that for Thanksgiving!

  5. The semi-truck sent me around the bend!

  6. Thank you for the good laughs this morning.

  7. That last one is Mari for sure! That first one seems to be true of so many these days.

  8. I'm still laughing. Much better than paying attention to the idiocy in Washington.

  9. I like the car door one, but it is something that I think about. Do men still open car doors these days? I mean if I were to be left on my own and went on a first date, would I or would I not open the car door for a lady?

  10. You had me laughing out loud. Love the leaf blower one - they drive me crazy.

  11. "A reptile dysfunction" is the best one, IMHO. Leaf blowers! Argh!

  12. That leaf-blower one is so very, very true. I hate those things.
