Friday, October 20, 2023


It's been a bit of an up-and-down week around here but ending on a high note.

After our vaccinations the other day I began having a constantly recurring nerve pain in one side of one foot.

Come and go, like someone with a slow arm delivery holding a hammer in his fist.

Finally last night, I went to bed with a compression stocking on that foot, doped with Acetaminophen tablets and Lidocaine gel.

And this morning the pain is gone.

If it was, as I suspect, a reaction to one or more of those vaccines then time may have been as much of a curative as anything else.

But it's good not to be cringing every few seconds.

So what a way to start the Friday Funnies, right?

And here's another - it's time once again for just words, no pictures, as the Humor/Humour Bank/Banque has filled with them and it's time to weed some out.

So with no further ado (and a bit of a cheat) . . . tada!

I told you there'd be a bit of a cheat.

I just can't keep those guys out of here.

Well, Gentle Readers and Fine Friends, that's it for this week.

Now enjoy a great weekend ahead and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oh, YIKES! . . . )


  1. Lots of good ones. Happy Friday and have a good weekend.

  2. Oh my! That could be outside my patio door if it hopped the wall. That was a great finale!

  3. Glad your foot is better. Hope you stay well!

  4. Thank you for the Friday Funnies. Good laughs are the best way to start the day. Glad your foot is feeling better.

  5. Many of our coaches were also history teachers--some were great teachers and some weren't. Drink like a fish, ouch! :) What a relief that your foot is better. When I'm in pain, I often envision that it will be continuing and constant. So far, it hasn't been. Fingers crossed.

  6. Glad the foot feels better. Maybe the laughs helped.

  7. Those are all great (or groan-worthy) but that last one was hilarious :)

  8. I have posted my review of this blogpost on Bad Trip Advisor.

  9. I'm glad your foot is feeling better, and I especially love this week's funnies. I'm still laughing about the civic classes.

  10. I had some good laughs with these. That first one is so true but that little girl staring really made me laugh.

  11. I had a similar reaction. It was not a problem until I went to bed. Then it became annoying. I never connected it to the vaccine though. I should have though.

  12. Ha! I love the cats! I identify with saving the weird piece of plastic forever. I have a bowl on my desk at work filled with found screws and other objects from the floor in the library. I don't think any of them have ever proven to be useful.

  13. tc Cambria--a good crop of humor. They are still funny on a Saturday by the way.
