Friday, November 24, 2023


Hey traditionalists, here's what WE had for Thanksgiving Dinner.

Judy's classic Beef Stew, though done in a slow cooker.


Now that Thanksgiving is out of the way you can all begin to concentrate on the important stuff.

Re-tightening your belts.

And fasten your belts because today is FRIDAY!


So that's it, folks, we've begun the short slide downhill to Christmas.

And New Year.

And Valentine's Day.

And Easter.

And . . .  okay, I get it . . . I'll shut up.

But before I do let me wish you a slimmed down but super, sensational, spectacular weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . oh, I'll bet we've all been there . . )


  1. Or better yet the hard rock you listened to is now elevator musac! Yikes! These all were great today! Kinda partial to the screwdriver. Smart man!

  2. I giggled at that first one! You are so good at finding things to make us chuckle!

  3. Hilarity as usual, but Roy Uberson & Moon River were my favs this week. Thank you!

  4. Thanks for the hardy laughs this morning. That beef stew looks pretty darn good.

  5. Moon River! Argh! The music I listened to in high school was already considered "oldies" even then -- so, fortunately, my aging is entirely disconnected from my musical preferences!

  6. Thanks for that...gave us a good laugh x

  7. Another batch of good ones. Just this morning I heard a band (Blue Rodeo) being interviewed on the radio and the one guy said that the first time he heard his music in the grocery store he was thrilled.
    I bet the stew is just as delicious today.

  8. Not a bad one in the bunch today.

  9. Prostate trouble! HAHA I loved the look of that beef stew--comfort food for sure. Ouch on the oldies station. I'm hearing more and more favorites from my past played there.

  10. These are so good! Hard to pick a fave, but that " trouble" one made me snort!

  11. The music I listened to while working is now being played on the oldies station! Beef stew looks good.

  12. The ugly one taking the seat is perfect.

  13. Great selection - especially Roy Uberson!
