Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Wanna see a really corny cartoon?

Halloween is over and now, as I saw in a meme yesterday, we can all begin blasting Christmas carols.

Well, not around this house.

We can say Feliz Día de los Muertos to our Spanish-speaking friends though.

To the rest of you that's Happy Day of the Dead.

Two festive days of celebrating those who have gone before us.

November 1st seems to me to be a proper day for such an event.

It's always seemed to me like a day that marks the dying out of a happier season with colder weather and snow ahead.

At 7:00 a.m. today in my part of Arizona it's 31F/0C.

I haven't seen a long range forecast so I don't know if we'll get snow here this coming winter but it's always a possibility.

Somehow November the First seems like a time for stews and chile and baking.

We had Spanakopita and Hummus for our evening meal yesterday.

Don't think I've gone all that ethnic in the kitchen - both came pre-made from the supermarket; just had to throw the Spanakopita in the oven for awhile.

A few days before that, though, I did bake a dozen rolls from a recipe for German Farm Bread.

They're made with a combination of rye, whole wheat and all purpose flours.


Judy likes them - must be her German heritage.

So another month and another season are upon us.

Let's enjoy them. 

Oh, one more Halloween thought.

I actually like candy corn.


  1. I like candy corn also!
    I'm worried about how quickly Christmas will be upon us. Yikes!

  2. I was just thinking that I need to make some soup or a nice beef stew. It's time.

  3. I confess to liking candy corn too, although this year I missed out on it. Draws. Your temperatures surprise me! I never think of freezing temps in AZ. Our friends in surprise always brag on their warm weather...although they vamps up here to WV most summers.

  4. That's pretty cold for there. Of course, you are up on the plateau, I think? It's 0C here right now at noon. We had a light skiff of snow last night.

    1. We're in the foothills between the Bradshaw Mountains and the Mingus Mountain range, at 5,000 feet elevation.

  5. Getting out the pilgrims and the Indians. Enough of that bright orange.

  6. Brrr. We've warmed up into the 40s overnight--which feels much nicer than 20s and 30s. I love the meal, no matter where it came from and also like candy corn!

  7. I too like candy corn.
    It was 0˚C here this morning with a thin layer of ice on the birdbath. Time to put my snow tires on!

  8. I love candy corn, but I never got any this year. What the heck!

    1. I know. I went to a drugstore this morning to get some of their half-price candy and came home with a huge bag of Hershey's products. But even though I looked, no candy corn in sight.

  9. To Candy Corn: I love you!! Ignore the naysayers. ❤️

  10. Of course you like candy corn. It is in keeping with your oddball observations. Ya weirdo.

  11. How do I not know about German Farm bread? I was born in Germany and my mum never made any. She did make a really great apple strudel though.
