Friday, December 29, 2023


Here it is . . Sunday again.

Is this my Groundhog Day week?

I'm just kidding - I know it's really Friday.

And Friday is when we and the Humor Elves here at Oddball Observations kid around a bit.

(Like we don't most of the time, right?)

So, with the oft-quoted expression "Laughter is the Best Medicine", let's go to the doctor and see what has been prescribed.

'Tis all, folks.

Even I, your loyal leader, can only laugh so much.

Especially in a week where I've been stuffing myself with food and drink.

Could be explosively dangerous.

But you are hereby granted permission to do whatever you like on this week of Sundays but please have a very good, long and safe weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . HEY! Get DOWN from there! . . )


  1. Well what a great way to wake up to the fact it's Friday! Really? How can that be? I could get used to these 3 day weeks. What a hilarious batch today! Jack in the Box, Family of 4, and that's all of us on the treadmill. Great selection!

  2. I love the baking soda one even though British people do not use the term "soda" for cans of sweet fizzy drinks. When I was a kid we would call them cans of pop but the word "pop" in that context has now drifted out of fashion.

  3. Ho-ho! The penny has just dropped in relation to Schwarzenegger's remark!

  4. Still trying to figure out the Schwarzenegger one...hmmm...but the others I had to share with my husband. Great morning laughs!

  5. Have a good weekend and actual Sunday when it arrives.

  6. Good laughs here on this Friday morning. Thank you for keeping us laughing, Catalyst! (NewRobin13)

  7. Kitty is an angel, even when wrecking havoc with Christmas trees.

  8. The Stouffer's one is THE TRUTH!!! And the soda one made me cackle. Thanks!

  9. I don't get the composer one either! I like the candy cane one best.

  10. I didn't get the composer one until I read it above. Love the Stouffers one.

  11. The cartoon about the old driver really applies here.

  12. I'm still laughing at the driver is old one. I wonder why? 😊

  13. The bubble wrap factory must have a way to screen their applicants!

  14. Uh-Oh, I see a disaster happening in that oven!

  15. Good ones today. I keep thinking of the what's going to happen to tht oven.

  16. Thank goodness for you, Catalyst. Without the Friday funnies, I would totally lose track of time.
