Sunday, December 31, 2023


I've just checked and this is my 282nd post of the year.

So I have posted 77 percent of the 365 days.

Actually that's not entirely true because on some days there were two posts.

But 77 percent is not a terrible grade.

I'll take it.

Continuing with numbers for just a bit to get this odd convergence out of the way.

Today being the final day of the year can be written this way:


As in December 31st, 2023 (or just 23).

That may not mean much to you but numbers freaks love it.

And I've heard that couples are flocking to wedding chapels in Las Vegas to get married today.

As we approach our 53rd wedding anniversary (in April) and add another number to our octogenarian ages, I find that much of the year was spent dealing with medical issues.

We both got new eyeglasses this year and Judy got a new Pacemaker and a new knee.

And by the way she's feeling better nearly every day.

She told me yesterday that she's about to start driving again!

On a brighter note, we went with her daughter Gayle to Scottsdale earlier in the year to an annual art show.

We had a visit from a grandson and his wife and their two daughters: our great-granddaughters!!

That was our first time meeting the great-grands and we found them to be lovely.

(Gadfrey! We're getting old!)

Speaking of which, Gayle had another birthday this year but that's all I'll say about that.

Against our better judgement we adopted a little 7 year old black cat in April.

Sweetie-Pie has taken over our home and changed our lives.

I went to The Pie Place, aka the Rock Springs Cafe, a couple of times during the year for reunion visits with colleagues from years gone by.

Tim Dietz (Timmer) was in Phoenix from Colorado for a football game and came to one of them. That's him with the white cap.

I did a lot of baking and cooking this year but find, even with all the goodies I've lost another 8 pounds.

Since I began keeping track of my weight in 2015 I find I've lost an even 60 pounds and now seem to be holding steady.

I've had to get some new clothes though as my "fat clothes" don't fit me anymore!

Our Arizona Diamondbacks surprised the baseball world by making it to the World Series but lost in 5 games to Texas.

Still, a very bright year for them.

My only sibling, my brother Wayne, turned 90 at the end of July but died in November so I'm the last in our family now.

Judy has read a ton of books from the library this year.

I waded through Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens recently but spend more time with my cookbooks.

The end of this year finds us relatively healthy with our increasingly bionic bodies.

Let's see what 2024 brings!


  1. I liked your 'year in review'. That would be a nice thing to do over dinner today. Which will be a dish that is angel hair spaghetti, with shrimp and shallots in a chicken broth. I think it has some green thing in it like parsley but not. We have been enjoying Costco's cheesecake daily! We envy you the weight loss!

    1. Your dinner sounds delicious. I'm baking a brie in puff pastry and we have two bottles of prosecco but I suspect one will hold until tomorrow! Happy New Year!

  2. It's been a busy year! Dave was intrigued by the "123123" thing. I'm impressed that you post twice some days. That's where I draw the line! LOL

    Love the pic of Sweetie Pie and it's good to see you and Judy too. Happy New Year!

    1. My second posts are usually something I learned after the first post so they're usually quite short. But I don't have a job to go to like some people I know. 😉 Happy New Year to you and Dave!

  3. thecontemplativecat here. So busy! you have had quite a year. Your gr-kids are adorable.

  4. thecontemplativecat here. the 123123 is clever. I will tell my daughter that; today is her birthday, #43. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy birthday to your daughter and Happy New Year to both of you.

  5. It is nice to look back like that over the year for positive things in this strange world. Have a Happy New Year's eve to you both.

  6. The cat rules the roost. Happy New Year!

  7. Thank you for the 123123. I never noticed but love it! I hope you and Judy have a great 2024.

    1. Someone pointed that out to me a few days ago. There's also a meme that says it's Waltz Day. 1-2-3, 1-2-3! My same good wishes go to you and Andy for 2024. Happy New Year!

  8. Happy to hear Judy's replacement is working well, and the two of you seem in fine fettle.
    I'm fine, compared to you I'm a youngun' of only 78, so I guess I should start training for a marathon tomorrow morning. Or the next day. We'll
    Thanks for all the Friday Funnies, and all your posts, Bruce.

    1. Wacky Wally just turned 78 yesterday so maybe you two can run together! 😄 Happy New Year, Mike.

  9. Great year overall--especially with that sweet cat and better health and body parts. :) Hoping for an excellent 2024.

    1. Your hope is my hope! Best to you and John and the daughters and the grands and, of course, to that beautiful black cat. Happy New Year, Margaret.

  10. Here's hoping 2024 will bring you both good health, good news, and happy adventures Thanks for all of the wonderful posts!

    1. Thanks to you for being a faithful reader! And Happy New Year!

  11. Good recap. Any year that we're still here to summarize it is a great

    1. You got it, Val. Happy New Year to you and the fam!

  12. tc/Light/Breezes---A good year and you are ending it well. A cup of kindness to ya both...for all the good times! Slainte'

  13. I'd say you had a very good year except for the knee job. You seem to find many positives in your life and that's the way to stay on track for good things.

  14. A very full year what with pacemakers and new knees and you having to buy new "skinny" clothes. I hope 2024 is as good to you as 2023 was, or even better. Your great grandgirls are lovely.

  15. Nice to see you are already proudly displaying your Laughing Horse blogging award in the sidebar. Happy New Year to you and your Judy!

  16. That is a nice and pretty succinct report. I should learn from you, but of course I won't.

    Congrats on the cat. We adopted ours at the age of 8. She's 13 now.

    Happy New Year 🎇

  17. I loved reading the summary of 2023 for you and Judy. It's good to remember what the year brought. Love the photos of you, Judy, and your great-grand-daughters. Wow! We are definitely the elders. Happy New Year! (NewRobin13)
