Saturday, January 13, 2024


 We had a great visit today with a nephew, his daughter and her husband.

I'm ashamed to say that I had never met Misha, our Great Grand Niece.

We had a nice lunch (thanks, Larry) and caught up on some family history.

I had meant to take pictures but, typical of this senile Senior Citizen, I forgot.

When I remembered we had parted company and were back home.

So I sent a message to Misha asking for a photo of the three of them.

Amazingly fast, I got this back.

They didn't even get out of the car!

I hope they pulled over!

Left to right, our nephew Larry, his daughter Misha, her husband Dan.

At our lunch, I told Misha I had asked the Almighty Google if she was a grand niece or a great niece.

A.G. told me either one was proper.

But I said I thought I would refer to her as my Great Grand Niece.

She's a great person but after all, as I told my wife, she IS from North Dakota.


  1. Well that was nice! And we had a beautiful day for them. Always want to show off Prescott in good weather!

    1. And, more importantly, Prescott VALLEY! Where do you live???

  2. Loved meeting you and Judy! Thanks for a great grand visit

  3. I hope you said to Misha, "I missya Misha!" I bet she's heard that a hundred times before.

  4. Looks like a grand time was had.

  5. They are a great-looking group, and color-coordinated as well!

  6. My family layers the adjectives. My daughter's daughter is my granddaughter. My mother is her great grandmother. For the next generation, it is 'great great grand' and so on. They do this sideways too, as in great grand niece. Agreed, they are all grand. And handsome.

  7. Excellent times and great looking family. Misha looks about 12!

  8. Nice looking family you have there. I get confused with the great and grand thing too. Is my nieces son my grand nephew or my great nephew? And is he second cousin to my grandchildren? Is my great grandson second cousin to my other grandchildren? It's all so confusing, I just call them "family".

  9. Ask and ye shall receive. Yeah, I think great or grand are right, but I am never sure. And don't ask me about removeds.😊

  10. That sounds like great fun! A nice looking family!

  11. I think she is your grand niece but what do I know? My grandmother would be talking about cousins once removed and she somehow kept track of all of it.

  12. What a lovely family gathering that was. Great photo! (NewRobin13)

  13. It's amazing how quickly we can take and share pictures nowadays. They all have very good teeth. Is your nephew a dentist? :)

  14. I have great-nieces, benefits of having nieces a few years younger than me.
