Thursday, February 29, 2024


 Happy Leap Day!

Today is February 29th, one extra day on the calendar that occurs every four years.

This strange specimen arrived from the grocery store in a bag of mini-peppers this week and for me it sort of symbolizes the change from February into March.

For those born on this day, like our dear friend Jeanne aka The Beaner, it's a chance to truly celebrate a "real" birthday.

For us, with the temperature hovering at a high of around 60 degrees Fahrenheit, it symbolizes the hope for an early Spring.

But maybe just not yet.

After all, some of our memories of heavy snowfalls here have occurred in March.

And SWMBO has always said to not plant herbs or flowers until after her birthday, which is in mid-May.

At any rate this ripening pepper will eventually turn from fully green to totally red, if we treat it right.

Then again, an impatient old man may just eat it!


  1. We had neighbors from Austria that stood on a chair and 'leaped' into the new year. On New Year's Eve. An accident waiting to happen no matter what the age. I heard on the radio that some group is wanting to have the 29th every year going forward so 'those poor people' could have a birthday every year.

  2. Happy Leap Day! My Mom would agree with SWMBO - her wedding anniversary was May 15th and she said never plant flowers before that date.

    1. Yes, my wife's birthday is 3 days before that.

  3. My mom always says not to plant flowers until Mothers Day so she agrees with your wife. I sometimes can't wait until then though. I get too eager for spring color!

    1. We have friends in Colorado who planted raspberries one year during a "false Spring" and lost the whole crop to a blizzard.

  4. I told a buddy today to be on the watch for a certain woman proposing marriage, which is a belief about Leap Day

  5. thecontemplativecat here there was an elderly couple up the road from our farm. She was 72 and he was about 20.

    1. Yes, if I have it right, our friend is 18 this year and her husband has topped 70!

  6. People seem to find Leap Year an intriguing day.

    1. I think people think it's just one more day to celebrate!

  7. We have a holiday here on May 24 and it has always been the date to start planting. The garden centres are full that weekend.

  8. I love peppers with two colours! It means I only need to buy one and still get plenty of colour in my mixed salads, or on my pizzas. I don't think the colour continues to develop once it is picked though.

  9. When we were foolish enough to have an outside garden up in the mountains, we never planted until after Memorial Day.

  10. Slice that up and put it on a pizza.

  11. I certainly didn't leap yesterday, but I don't think I am going to tell about -- just this once. Not right now anyway.
