Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 Yes, I had to blather on about Spring almost being here, didn't I?

Our temperatures have dropped somewhat today and it's been in the 50's.

And it's raining.

As evidenced by our very wet patio right now.

A week or so ago, a big fat robin landed on the edge of our tomato barrel and then flew to the top of one of our patio chairs and glared in the window at us.

He seemed to be saying "Okay, I'm here! Where's that blasted bird bath?"

Apparently that and the warmer weather we'd been enjoying prompted Judy to dig it out and clean it for the coming season.

Yesterday I put it in the tomato barrel as a temporary spot because Judy said it would be easier to get the ice out of it if it froze overnight.

I filled it with water but I guess that wouldn't have been necessary since the rain has been filling it today.

I just have to remember the lyrics of an old song "Those April showers may come your way, they bring the flowers that bloom in May."

And it isn't even April yet.


  1. The day here started overcast, but has changed to sunshine.

  2. I got the same birdbath out last weekend and filled it, but haven't had any birds. The sun is out here after a day of hail and rain. Wow! Love that new header! There are a few blooming trees in the neighborhood. Flowering pink plums and the white ones - apples?

  3. Well, my crows and Canada geese have returned. We usually have a few robins that stay all year.

  4. Please sing along with me:-

    Sing the song that's in your hearts,
    Sing of the great Southwest.
    Thank God, for Arizona,
    In splendid sunshine dressed.
    For thy beauty and thy grandeur,
    For thy regal robes so sheen,
    We hail thee Arizona
    Our Goddess and our queen.

  5. Those poor robins always return, and then you see them stumping around in the snow hunting for worms and looking pretty aggravated at their poor life choices.

  6. It was 79 here today. My little dog took a swim in the fake fish pond.

  7. That’s the kind of weather we’re having too. Springtime in the Rockies.

  8. We had some rain here in Adelaide SA today too! In the middle of a heatwave! It wasn't very heavy and I didn't need the umbrella I took out with me. It was a very lovely day though and tomorrow the heat starts up again, but it won't be as high as last week thank goodness.

  9. Lots of spring flowers this year.

  10. We had spring yesterday but today it is grey outside and is supposed to rain. Bah Humbug.

  11. My daffodils are blooming already with lovely little violets too. We may get colder next week again, tho.
    I also wanted to mention how beautiful your header is! Those pink blossoms!!

    1. Credit where credit is due: it was taken by Arno Smit in Stockholm, Sweden.

  12. Spring is like that here--variable. Rain, sun, freezing nights, warm days, cool days, wind--rinse and repeat. Hope the birds come to enjoy their beautiful bath!
