Thursday, March 7, 2024


Once again, I turn the writing today over to the real talent in the family, She Who Must Be Obeyed.


Let me tell you about my shopping trip today:   Bruce has been doing
most of our shopping since my knee replacement surgery.  But today I
felt up to it and just wanted to get out on my own,

Just as I was getting ready to go our power failed.  I sat down by the
front window ready to wait it out, thinking the power may have failed
at the store also.  Hard to find all that stuff in a dark store and
the computer wouldn't have processed my debit card.

I put on my glasses and turned to the current novel I'm
reading.  In a short while the lights came back on and I left for the
store.  While driving there I noticed my vision was a bit blurry.  I
refused to return home because of that little bother.

Thursdays are a good day at the local store, especially after "Senior
Wednesday" when the store is mobbed.  I headed for the produce
department and started having a hard time telling the cucumbers from
the zucchini.   I suddenly felt I was having a health scare because
everything was blurry.  (Damned if I'll quit now.  I'll finish this
shopping and deal with the oncoming stroke when I get home.)

My list was long so it took about an hour or more to cover all the
ground I needed to cover.  Finally I checked out and headed home.  I
was trying to figure out how to tell Bruce we had a medical emergency.
When I got home he unloaded the car and I put away all the frozen
stuff.  Then I went to lie down and figure out how to tell him.

I stretched out on the bed and removed my glasses.  MY READING
GLASSES!  OMG!   The whole time driving there and shopping had been done without my trusty bifocals, but with my reading glasses.  I
wasn't having a medical crisis.  A stupidity crisis is different.
Entirely different.

I told him.

He made me a drink.

I am healed...........................for the moment.


  1. I’m laughing, but I feel your pain, I once tore the house apart looking for my glasses…that were on my head. So glad you got home safely, that must have been scary.

  2. Great story, Judy. As one who's done similar, I commend you for not calling 911.

  3. Now was this really Judy or her mischievous husband poking fun at the aforesaid Judy? I am sure that the mischievous husband has had his own "senior moments" that would have had blog visitors in stitches!

  4. Feels pretty good when a stressful issue like that is suddenly solved.

  5. That sounds like something I would do :-)

  6. Thank goodness you managed to see well enough! I used to sometimes forget and wear my reading glasses to the local shop and it made reading labels easy, but walking to and from a bit more difficult as the focus was off. Usually now I remember to change and wear my sunglasses because they are also bifocal.

  7. I've accidentally left my glasses off and wondered why things were blurry. I'll hide my reading glasses from myself, just in case!

  8. Yes, you are not alone! 😊

  9. Oh dear!! Perhaps have frames that are different enough?
    But I can understand how it's done...

  10. Glad you pushed through and finished the shopping, Judy!

  11. Whew! What a relief! I love that you powered through anyway and did all the grocery shopping -- not an approach I would necessarily recommend, however. :)

  12. tc-cambria-I understand!!!

  13. Oh my gosh. Hysterical. And yet, I can see me doing this...
