Sunday, June 9, 2024


Not having anything of any great moment to write about today I was about to leave this space blank and allow you all to contemplate the stumpers in the Friday Funnies some more.

But then Comical Carol saved the day.

By way of explanation, I should tell you that the heat is on here in the Southwestern United States with daily high temperatures pushing 100 degrees F. the past week and over 110 down in poor old Phoenix.

And it can only get hotter over the next several months.

So this advice comes at the exact correct time.

One other strange thought: when I was typing the first sentence above my fingers apparently were going faster (or slower?) than my mind and the phrase "great moment" came on the screen as "groment".

Maybe I've just coined a new word for the dictionary folks.


  1. Groment sounds like the name of a cartoon character. That is some mighty HOT weather. I can't imagine it since I've been sweating in our measly 75 degrees. To be fair, I was out for a walk--uphill.

  2. Loved Wallace and Gromit! We were at the Tonto National Monument today and it was 100. The STEEP climb to the cliff dwellings brought people down that I thought should be airlifted out! We know our limits. Not for us! Enjoyed the air-conditioned gift shop!

  3. I have odd words pop up like that all the time and have to go back and fix them before I click Publish.
    I could use a little extra warmth down here in Australia, but not too much, just and extra 5C would be perfect.

  4. Andy and I laughed out loud at the advice. 😊
    ---Cheerful Monk

  5. That is perfect! Sending to my friend in AZ. She constantly says yeah it's hot but there's no humidity. They flee here to WV every summer and I bet I hear her say that a dozen times while they are visiting.
