Wednesday, September 18, 2024


So this morning we headed for the grocery store.

Judy had a lengthy list and a fistful of coupons and she told me this time she was going to do the shopping.

(hint: she thinks I don't do a good job of looking for the least expensive items.)

So I dropped her off at the door to the store and went to fill the car's gas tank up.

About 15 minutes later I returned and was lucky enough to find a parking space only a couple of slots from the door.

Then just as I was about to get out of the car my phone rang.

Since I was already parked, I figured I'd see who it was.

As it turned out it apparently was a spammer of some type or another.

But just as I was about to put my phone away and get out of the car, there was Judy at the other door.

She got in and said, exasperatedly, "It's a madhouse in there and there are no electric karts!  Let's go home!"

We started out and then she gave me the clincher.

"It's the Wednesday when everyone gets their Social Security payments and every oldster in town has rushed to the store."

"Why can't I remember that.  The best day to go to the grocery is THURSDAY!  The day after the Social Security payments and the day before the Friday shoppers!"

So we went home.

Just two empty-handed oldsters.

But there's always another day.


  1. I think Wednesday is double coupon day at Fry's and Safeway. Better to keep under the radar.

  2. Lana came back from the big box equally exasperated by the crowd. She'll read why here.

  3. Yep, got mine today. It's Wednesday, either the first, second or third of every month. I think many of us rely on them for food, etc. I try to not shop on Wednesdays, those who don't have to shouldn't. I think it's also a shame, and interesting, that those most in need get the smallest amount. Some get well less than 1K a month, and that's barely enough for food and utilities, let alone mortgage or rent.

  4. I'm glad that you two are NOT oldsters! Heaven forbid. ;)

  5. We start to get picky about shopping times the older we get.

  6. Wednesdays are crowded shopping here because that's when the weekly sales start. The most crowded days are the weekends at the first of the month.

  7. "All the oldies" does sound like a nightmare. Here the payments happen over three days, some get paid Wednesdays, some on Thursdays and some on Fridays, so there is never a big rush of people with walkers etc. Working people usually get paid on Thursdays, so that used to be the day for late night shopping, but now the stores are open for longer all the time, except weekends.
    The cartoon is funny.

  8. Electric karts? We don't have those here!
    Just looked them up......mobility scooter with trolley attached.

  9. That comic is hilarious - and about true! Fortunately for me, Dr. M does most of our shopping. He's better at it than I am.

  10. Tuesday is Senior Day at the co-op here. We always go shopping on that day. Now I wish they had electric Karts. LOL! (NewRobin13)

  11. The other night I told Andy our apartment could legitimately called an old folks’ home. He agreed. The idea takes some getting used to.
    —-CM (Cheerful Monk)

  12. The other night I told Andy our apartment could legitimately called an old folks’ home. He agreed. The idea takes some getting used to.
    —-CM (Cheerful Monk)
