Though that green grass in the midst of the high desert does look inviting, the monsoon is promising thunderstorms today. Not a good time to be out in the open clutching a metal golf club in one's hand.
This solitary golfer did seem to be enjoying himself, though.
But the clouds keep promising rain and I think today is the day.
Just to change the subject, you've probably heard of wine tastings. And with the growth of "craft" beers there are beer tastings. And even olive oil tastings. But have you ever heard of a carrot tasting? SWMBO and I had one the other night. She had picked up a bag of mixed carrots, sort of like heirloom tomatoes. There were the standard orange ones. Some yellow-orange ones. Some yellow ones. And some PURPLE ones. She sliced them up and whipped up some aioli sauce and we set to it.
Our conclusion? They all tasted exactly alike. Like carrots.
Muggles' conclusion?
"Carrots? You humans are daffy. Isn't that rabbit food?"
I tried telling him that carrots are said to be good for the eyes. But he replied that his eyes were just fine and he could change the color of them any time he wanted to.
You just can't argue with a cat.