Who let that dog in here?
Oh, well, I guess he's not leaving for awhile.
And I can't bring myself to . . . fire him!!!????
So, Gentle Readers, let us proceed into the rapture of near-end-of-the-week hilarity.
And Happy Passover and Happy Easter.
This week's pie chart is actually a throwback, back to when someone first came up with it, just penciled on a bar napkin.
Okay, on that surly note, let us move on into the weekend.
A fahn-tahs-tic weekend, Gentle Readers, as the weather most everywhere has finally broken into the reverie we here at Oddball HQ know as Spring.
Enjoy it.
Oh, and don't forget our watchwords: Always Keep Laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
(Oh, I don't think that's a very good idea . . .)