Sunday, March 25, 2018


I joined in yesterday when millions of people across the United States marched to express their agony over the murder of innocent schoolchildren, their disfavor with automatic weapons (some with any guns), the National Rifle Association, and the twisting of the meaning of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In Prescott, a relatively small town located in a very conservative county in a fairly conservative state, the local newspaper said 15 hundred protesters lined the Courthouse Square.

I shot many photos but, in some crazed computer foul-up, the one above and the one below are the only two that survived.

As I entered the grounds I stopped to take a photo and a man who had come to join the march said to me, "I thought this was a children's march but it looks more like an AARP convention."

Indeed he was right.

Most of the marchers were probably mothers and fathers and grandparents of kids who risk their lives every day just to get an education.

There were a small handful of counter-protesters shouting rude insults.

The FIRST amendment gives them the right of free speech but as one of the marchers commented, and I paraphrase, the less said about them the better.


  1. 1500 protesters in a small town in a conservative state says a lot.

    Enough is enough indeed.

  2. HA!

    Ours skewed young, but the age range was complete. Lots of wild, intense energy.

  3. Sounds like here, Bruce. Hope is still there.

  4. I believe this is the turning point, 30% of the population owns guns and 30% of that 30% own 5 or more. There isn't enough of them to control the conversation now that enough is enough. I thought the kids in DC were magnificent. As our contemporary so wisely wrote, "The Times, They are A Changin'

  5. It's a coast-to-coast movement for sure. :)

  6. As Jager noted above, 'the times are a-changing'.....but let me ask....why did it take 50 plus fucking years to change? Why are we suddenly, we of the boomer generation, you know, woodstock, expanded consciousness, all that shit, are suddenly saying our grandkids are the answer?? We give up, throw up our hands, say good luck kids, um 'we've got your backs', and bullshit like that. Somebody tell me that. We abdicate, and to kids who can't vote yet, and say.....'go gettum, kids.'

  7. Good on you for getting out and marching to communicate your ideas. I hope changes come from these activities.

  8. Boomers in the 60's and 70's were active and political, but were all over the ball park in focus. At that time it was more of a "cultural" change. Still, when I heard the Dylan lyrics again I thought how true they are. One might say, well, we are singing the same song 50 years later and nothing has changed. Well, some things have changed, but most importantly this generation has a laser focus and specific issues and changes sought. I left the local march inspired and have been inspired and hopeful by what I saw in Washington and elsewhere. I think something has changed significantly and not the least of that is these kids will vote, soon.

  9. I read that Remington filed for chapter 11 protection. It's a start...

  10. I am happily stunned, both by the action of the youth [and other] protesters, and by their eloquence. And this protest is not confined to the USA.

  11. Bravo to you for marching! I didn't find out until afterwards that we had a march here, too, though I should have anticipated it. How weird that your photos got eaten! Are you sure they're not retrievable somehow?

  12. I applaud you for doing this! It certainly sounds like there were large crowds all over the country.

  13. Hi, I found your blog when looking at Red's Hiawatha House. You have a great post here and I commend you on mentioning the twisting of the Second Amendment. The first four words of the Second Amendment set the context for the Founding Father's intention: A well regulated Militia ... We are past that now and the Founding Fathers must be turning over in their graves. Why isn't there more focus on this? Thanks for sharing your blog. John
