Monday, November 8, 2010


As I look around some of my favorite blogs it appears everyone is writing about Fall and colder temperatures either present or in the offing.  It feels a little chilly coming in my open window today too so I guess I'd better check the weather forecast.


Ohhh!  Can winter be far behind?  The sun is still shining but weakly and there are a lot of thin clouds up in the sky. 
Let's see.  Where has SWMBO put my sweaters?  Time for the turtlenecks to take over.  And, yes, I do still wear turtlenecks, mostly black ones.  I remember once a couple of decades ago when a young intern in my office stared at my beard and my black turtleneck and asked "Are you a beatnik?"  Guess I was a bit of one back in the late 50's.  I don't know what I'd be called now.  Maybe an ageing hippy!
I had to go to The Google to look up whether there should be an e in ageing or not, as aging.  Neither looks right to me but The Google says "ageing" (with the e) is associated with British and Australian English and "aging" (without the e) is more used in American and Canadian English.  I'm an American who grew up within 50 miles of Canada.  But since I've been blogging I've made many friends in Britain and Australia.  So now I don't know how to spell it.  Maybe I'll just go with my standby: an "older" hippy.
Or is that hippie?
Well . . . now you know how blog posts are made.  From nothing.  To nothing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mag 39

Who killed Cock Robin?

Not I, says the coyote.

Not I, says the farm dog.

Not I, says the rattlesnake.

Uh, me?  (Asks the farmer, with a toothpick between his teeth.)

Well . . uh . . er . . . . . .

(What do you think?)


It's just a little writing exercise prompted with a photo from Ms. Willow at Magpie Tales.  Check 'em out!

Yet another change

I have taken your comments and suggestions, as well as my own opinion, into consideration.  And brightened the blog and my outlook.

Hope you like it.

The sun is shining here.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Every once in awhile, it's time for a change.  Today was one of those days for me, I guess.  I'm not sure I'm happy with this new look.  Time will tell.  I'd be happy for your input though I may totally ignore it.  That's one of the perks associated with reaching my age.

I can't think of any others.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Passage of Power

O.K. Republicans.  You've got the power.

Now what?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween redux

The BRD and her Beau Jack are crazy for Halloween.  They hosted a dinner party at a Prescott saloon and eatery Saturday night and this was their appearance.

In case you're not aware, she went as Cruella Deville and he was Count Dracula!

They visited some watering holes after dinner and the BRD won third place for best costume at one of them and FIRST PLACE and $100 at another!

Halloween is gone . . . but . . .