Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Care to guess who that is?

The answer tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


You've probably asked yourself, "Self, do kangaroos actually box?"

Today, self can reply, "Yes.  They do."

Witness this bout filmed recently on an ordinary suburban Australian street.

More than one of my neighbors has told me about the wildlife they've seen running down the street in the early morning.

But never anything like this.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Good Monday morning to you.  I hope your week is spectacular.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


My wife and her daughter have, for many, many years, had a habit of trading "stuff" back and forth.  Our most recent acquisition was a bedspread that the BRD had grown tired of.  So it came to our house yesterday and went on my bed, which had been without one for awhile.

But the question is: just whose bedspread is this.  Another member of our family seems to have staked a claim.

It's something new in the house plus it's soft and comfortable.  So Blackwell has been parked there today.  

Not only that.  

I had to kick him off the bed four times last night.

Friday, October 3, 2014


I don't think this Friday's group is hysterically funny, like normal. But then, what's normal?

Ah, true love.

Actually I thought a group of cats was called a clowder.  But that makes no sense at all.

Oh, well, let's close with a fine message from The Angry Cat.

Have a great weekend, folks, and keep on giggling.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Today's Throwback Thursday isn't really about me.  Have patience, you'll see.

Three young buddies enjoying my dog, Honey, outside the home I grew up in, Stanley, North Dakota.  Left to right, Jim Burbidge, Me, Jerome Larson.  I don't know the year or their ages.

A little later.  Me and Jim (now wearing glasses) and a stringer of perch at Lake Carlyle in Saskatchewan, Canada.

This one I'm sure of.  April 24, 1951.  My 11th birthday.  My pal, Jim, waits to help me devour the cake.

Many years later, just a few years ago.  Me and Jim at a reunion of former residents of Stanley held annually in Mesa, Arizona.  Wow, the beards are both white!

And finally, just a few days ago, Jim celebrating his 75th birthday. In Portugal!  Way to go, Jimbo, and once again . . Happy Birthday.

I think we've both had pretty good runs.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


A little bit of baseball . . .

On this day in 1961, Roger Maris of Fargo, North Dakota, hit his 61st home run of the year for the New York Yankees.  He became the first player to break the record of 60 round-trippers set by the great Babe Ruth in 1927, 34 years before.

Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Barry Bonds all later hit more than 61 in a season but their performances were tainted by rumors of steroid use.  And they were all in the National League.  Maris' record of 61 home runs still stands as the American League record 53 years later.

In tribute to a fellow North Dakotan, here's a great baseball tune.