Saturday, November 15, 2014


There are days like today when my mind is empty of ideas to write about or picture in my blog.  When I first rose this morning and looked out the window, it was foggy out over the savannah.

That's what SWMBO has named the open field or pasture or whatever down at the end of our street.  This picture was taken some time ago and doesn't show any fog.  That's because we live far, far away from the sea or any other large body of water and it very rarely is foggy.  All of which gave me the idea to take a picture for today's blog posting.

But by the time I got my coffee and had taken my morning pills and heated some water for SWMBO's morning cuppa and a few other things, I'd forgotten all about my plan to photograph the fog.  Plus the sun was up and it had probably all burned off anyway.

So.  Strike one.

I start each day by reading Mike Allen's morning Playbook from POLITICO.  That's a good way to get my blood going.  Then I scan the headlines from the New York Times and occasionally read an article or two.  Then I run quickly through my local newspaper and take a quick look at Facebook and read a few emails that have accumulated.  Then it's on to the most pleasant part of my morning: working three crossword puzzles on-line.  They're not very difficult, usually.  The first is called the Daily American Puzzle, the second from the Washington Post and the third from the Los Angeles Times.  The experts say working crosswords keeps your mind from slowing down.  I don't know about that but I know it keeps my stock of curse words intact.

I've recently subscribed to a site called Bloglovin, which keeps track of the 10 or 20 blogs I have over there on the right and updates the list whenever one of those bloggers posts.  That way I can read all the latest posts and keep up to date with my e-friends.  And then it has become time for me to write a blog post.  And nothing has stirred my imagination.  I check my photo file.  Nothing there.  So, what to do?

Now my wife, SWMBO, frequently tells me "you know you don't have to write something in that fool blog of yours every day!" Which probably just goads me to write something every day.  I love Throwback Thursdays and the Friday Funnies because I can always find some material for them.  But days like today?  Blank.

Strike Two.

But wait.  Here's another email from Bloglovin, a weekly one that suggests other blogs I might find interesting.  As I scan the list, I notice a similarity.  The 15 Most Surreal Travel Destinations, 5 Steps to Take When You're Burned Out, 13 Genius Tips For Decorating a Small Space, 10 Sunny Travel Destinations You Should Visit Before the End of the Year, 5 Days in Hawaii.

I get it.  I should just write or photograph a list of stuff.  I look around my den.  Ho hum.

Strike Three.

I guess I'll just have to settle for this.  It's something I found on the Internets, printed off and SWMBO framed for me.  It hangs directly over my desk and inspires me every day.

Friday, November 14, 2014



Thank Gandalf It's Friday.
(and I've never even read any Tolkien)

At any rate it's time to go into the Chuckle Box once again and see what we can find to get us all through the weekend.

O.K. folks, the Chuckle Box is empty.  Oh, wait!  I almost forgot the obligatory kitty picture.

O.K.  That's really all she wrote.  Have an extremely amusing weekend, folks, and, as always, thank you to my contributors.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Seven years of piano lessons.  (I think this is about the time I quit.)  I could read music but I hated to practice.  End result?  I could play Sentimental Journey.  Badly.  Now I can't even play that.

* I didn't coin this phrase.  The great Danish pianist and comedian Victor Borge did.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Meet Mister.  One of the BRD's menagerie.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014


I believe I have mentioned before that SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) and the BRD (Beautiful Rich Daughter) have lunch together most Fridays.  It's a great opportunity for them to catch up on each other's week.  Unlike me, they both love Thai cuisine and this past Friday they dined* at the new Tara Thai restaurant on Cortez Street in Prescott.

(Explanation of the * above: they like to take their time at these luncheons, sipping a cocktail or glass of wine or two, eating casually, and chatting leisurely.  Often they have to tell to tell their waitress that they are there not to eat . . but to dine.  So slow down the service . . they're going to be there for awhile.)

I'm told the restaurant is beautiful, with a long reflecting pool running the length of the dining room and a large Buddha anchoring one end of it.

But.  On to the food.  The BRD dined on sweet and sour fish, which was good but a bit too sweet for her taste.  She ate it but said she wouldn't order it again.

SWMBO chose Thai Phò, the traditional Vietnamese noodle soup. But she wasn't expecting this.

Understand.  These are ladies.  With somewhat delicate appetites. And they had already shared an appetizer plate.  Suffice it to say that SWMBO brought home enough for her to have at least two more meals at her own table.  She DID say it was delicious.

So, if you like Thai food, Tara Thai comes highly recommended.

By "The Ladies Who Lunch."

Sunday, November 9, 2014