Sunday, January 28, 2018


The words rang in my head: "Will you ever learn?"

I was trying a new recipe yesterday for Butterscotch Blondies with toasted walnuts, chocolate chips and dates.

SWMBO came into the kitchen at one point and I said quietly but firmly to her: "This is not a good time."

She asked if I had burned the walnuts to a crisp and I responded in the negative.

As she left, I thought "well, maybe only one of them, which I threw away."

But that wasn't the crux of my Senior Learning.

After I was through I admitted my fib to her and then said "but that wasn't the main problem."

The perplexed cook staring at his newly misshapen spatula.

I told SWMBO I had ruined a rubber spatula and showed her the "finished" product, which I had used to stir the butter while I was browning it over a medium hot burner.

That's when she spoke the words that led off this blog post.

I haven't tasted the Blondies yet and I was wondering awhile ago if they will be rubbery.

SWMBO pointed out that the spatula was the one she (had) used the most.

I told her I'd get her a new one.

* * * * * * *

Update on the birdbath heater: there's a loose connection inside the bulb socket which can't be reached so a new one will have to be purchased.

Maybe I can get one at the same store that sells rubber spatulas.

Saturday, January 27, 2018


Our weather has been cooler for a week or so but it's warming up this weekend.

To compound the problem, there's a loose connection or a broken wire in the electrical connection to the bulb SWMBO placed under the bird bath for the winter.

I unplugged the cable the other day and this is the result.

Not water but ice, clear to the bottom.

So maybe today I'll try to track down and fix the problem with the wiring.

Yesterday we ripped out the old faulty weather stripping on the front door and put in a new barrier to the outside cold air.

It worked great and the winter weather can stay outdoors for the time.

Friday, January 26, 2018


Gentle Readers, you knew it would come, didn't you?

Yup, it's time to dance.

Because . . .

I'll let you in on a secret.

Of course, some of you may be like this . . .

Or this . . .

If that's you, perhaps you should go for a check-up at a clinic, like this one . . .

Just be careful about the doctor's advice though.

If you're too worn out to go out dancing, maybe you need to go to the gym and get yourself in shape.

Okay, I get it.

So, however you kick off your weekend this Friday night do it in snazzy style and be brilliant!

And always remember, no matter how oddly people stare at you, keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Oh, so that's who got this started.)

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Here are a couple of shots I took out my window as dawn was breaking over Central Arizona this morning.

For some reason I like the effect the silhouette of the neighboring house makes with that colorful sky.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


O.K. Gentle Readers.

You have to be a fan of the game show Wheel of Fortune for this one.

And you have to have a wacky sense of humor.

Roll the tape, please.

You may be thinking, as was I, "Poor Pat."*

* - Pat Sajak has been the host of the show for over 30 years

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018


After some critiques of my profile picture over there on the right of this page I have tweaked it in my photo program and got it down to what you see now.

Better, I think.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

As of this writing, in Washington, D.C. 81 U.S. Senators have voted to re-open the government.

Since they only needed 60 votes, everyone should be back to work by tomorrow at the latest.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The new banner photo at the top of this page is of a sandstone rock formation in far northern Arizona named "The Wave" because of the undulating forms created by erosion from rainwater and wind.

I've not seen it in person and I'm quite sure I never shall since it is reputed to be difficult to reach for hikers and a very limited number of permits to visit it are issued for each day.

I found the picture courtesy of The All-Knowing Google.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our bird bath has a small light bulb underneath it to keep the water from freezing when the temperature drops.

But there's a loose connection somewhere in the set-up and the bulb sometime goes out.

That happened last night some time and the water was frozen solid this morning.

I propped the basin in some sunlight and after a time the ice loosened enough for me to get it out.

The basin is now refilled with fresh water and ready for business once again.

And with that, I hope everyone is happy.

Even if it is Monday.