Friday, November 16, 2018


Yes it is, little helper.

How about you Gentle Readers . . . how was *your* week?

Good, bad, or ugly, let's lighten the mood with a little end-of-the-week humor, O.K.?

For example . . .

And then there's my favorite this week, sent by my pun partner Dr. Jim.

I hope you liked these and that you'll take your good humor into a fabulous, funny, fine, freewheeling, few days filled with flirtatiousness and fun with your friends.

And always remember to keep laughing.

You just otter, right?

(I can just hear my wife saying "All right, enough with the puns!")

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Thursday, November 15, 2018


This is my wife's daughter, also known on this blog as the BRD or Beautiful Rich Daughter.

Now why, you might ask, does she have that blissful grin on her face?

Because, you see, she is an artist in many genres and she is taking an art break.

In Scottsdale, where the 2018 Canal Convergence is going on for another four nights, the last of a 10 day run of performance, light, music and temporary art on and around a canal running through the city.

You can learn more about the event by going here and be sure to view the video.

But that's after the sun goes down which leaves all day for exploring.

So the BRD toured the MIM, Scottsdale's highly regarded Musical Instrument Museum.

So no wonder she's smiling.

I texted her that with those rose-colored glasses and the jeans with the knees carefully frayed she looked like a rock star.

Her reply?

"Hey!  I do rock!!!"

Yes you do, girl, yes you do.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


One cat helping another to get a drink.

(And the black one does not have big gray spots on his fur.  The window needs cleaning.  Sorry.)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Arizona has elected a new U.S. Senator and it illustrates history in the making.

As of late yesterday Democrat Kyrsten Sinema won the election to replace the retiring Republican Jeff Flake.

She will become Arizona's first female Senator and the first Democrat elected in 24 years.

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Dedicated to all those who gave their lives while serving . . .

Saturday, November 10, 2018


This is why I call her SWMBO

(She Who Must Be Obeyed)

Friday, November 9, 2018


Don't you just hate the television news reporters and anchors who greet their fellows with "Hey"?

It's one of my pet peeves.


But, hey, can't we all just smile awhile?

Yep, it's time for the Friday Funnies.

Awwww-right, Gentle Readers, that's it for this week.

Let's all get out there and have a great weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Oh, man . . . .

Here, kitty-kitty . . .