Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Our beloved Muggles, as they say nowadays, crossed over the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.

From the time we rescued her from a raging rainstorm, she was a lovely member of our family.

I guess all cats are like this but her favorite thing to do seemed to be sleeping.

In all kinds of positions.

Judy often said Muggles was like her, with thin eyelids, which she often covered with one paw.

She was quite old . . around 17 we think . . and had stopped eating except for a few bites of her special treats.

She had lost most of her weight and seemed feeble except when we tried to give her some pain medicine.

She was an indoor cat all of her life but we decided to let her out a few weeks ago and she explored the back yard but mostly just lay and looked around.

I took this photo a week or so ago, her final picture.

I think it was her last time outside.

We invited her several times but she had lost the strength and the interest.

So yesterday we let her go on her trip to the stars.

Monday, June 17, 2019


Ye Olde West


The Complete Photo

Friday, June 14, 2019


On this sunny Friday, let's all send birthday wishes to my longtime friend, Baseball Steve, who is turning 70 today!

Who-da thunk it, back in the day.

But not dwelling on days gone by let us look to the future with humor.  

For Steve, then, here's what to look forward to.

With that then let us all light the candles on our cakes and have a very happy weekend.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, no)

Thursday, June 13, 2019


I began messing around with my genealogy today using Family Search and traced my ancestry in a direct line back to Fulk of Shepreth in Merry Olde England.

He supposedly was born in 1200.

Shepreth is a parish southwest of Cambridge and the name means "sheep stream".

Apparently it was a resting place where sheep enroute to Cambridge could be washed.

I have no idea if my ancestor Fulk was a sheep washer or not but I am happy to report that there are two "public houses" in the parish - The Green Man at Frog End and the Plough Shepreth.

So if you're in the vicinity I encourage you to lift a pint to my relative, Fulk, and to me.

(You will kindly notice that I have avoided any foul puns in this post.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


I wrote yesterday about the ongoing growth of hair on my face.

I decided to dig into the vault and show you the "growth" of my various facial hair styles.

The first attempt was a simple 'stash.

A couple of years later I had become Lincolnesque.

When Judy and I posed for a classic look for a Christmas card one year, I had a stylized goatee.

Then posing for a photo with my aloha-crazed  granddaughter it was back to a full beard again.

You may notice that my beard came out red, or at least reddish brown, in those early days.

As seen here, with my two best girls.

Or at the Sandra Day O'Connor confirmation hearings with reporter Ron Talley.

It changed styles as time went on but I remained Mr. Redbeard for quite a few years.

But then as I enjoyed an early retirement in Mexico, it began to exhibit a bit of graying.

Later, in Texas, it was becoming more and more obvious that I was, indeed, aging.

As we opened a bookstore in Prescott Valley it was getting grayer and grayer.

Now it's all gray.

Whiter as it gets longer.

Sometimes it makes me look angry.

Other times, wistful, as I think back over the years.

And sometimes it just drives me wild!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


I used to know a guy who had thick black hair and every Thanksgiving he would begin to grow a full beard.

It was glorious and he'd keep it through the winter until he'd shave it off in the spring.

Made sense.

Now I, on the other hand, have been hirsute of face for most of the past half century.

Most of the time it's just a goatee.

I shaved it off once back in the early 90's and was appalled to find my father's face staring back at me in the mirror.

I think the last time I was bare-faced was a couple of years after that when I showed up at a movie set for a day of work as an extra.

The lady who had hired me shrieked "What are you doing with that beard?"

Never mind that I had it a couple of weeks earlier when she approved me.

I had stars in my eyes and said "Go ahead and shave it off if you like," and I was hustled to a makeup wagon for the operation.

But I'm avoiding the point of my story.

I occasionally get the urge to convert my goatee into a full beard.

But curiously I always get that itch at the beginning of summer, when the weather is heating up.

That makes no sense but it explains today's photo.

My wife favors me in a goatee and always says in the first difficult days when the sides are looking scraggly, "You look like a homeless person."

But I'm a Taurus and like that bull I stubbornly persist.

We'll see how long this one lasts.

Monday, June 10, 2019


The temperature here is heading into the 90's this week and my long-time-ago-colleague and present-day-cartoon-provider, Wally, sent this one.

It's apt.

In the Phoenix area, where Wally lives, the highs this week are forecast to be in the 100's!

Basking weather.