In answer to many one request, here is my moon shot of earlier in the week.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Friday, May 28, 2021
The balmy days are upon us as we near the Memorial Day weekend.
Triple digit temperatures are forecast for the next week in Phoenix.
The 80's up here in the cool climes.
So what better time than now to inject some *true* balminess into the mix, eh?
Thursday, May 27, 2021
I'll bet you're expecting to see a beautiful photo of the Blood Moon from the Lunar Elipse the other night/morning.
Well, getting up at 4 a.m. to look at the moon isn't my idea of having a great time any more.
So I skipped it.
And when I *did* rise at around 6:30 I looked out and saw that the sky was totally overcast.
So I wouldn't have seen it even if I'd tried.
So no Blood Moon from this location.
To suffice, here is a shot from a night or so before, taken with my not-so-hot smartphone camera.
I've tried three times to upload that wonderful award winning crummy picture and each time I've gotten this message on my screen.
Sorry! An unexpected error occurred while processing your selection. Please try again later.
I know when I'm licked, folks.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
A big fat robin took a quick bath in our new pool this morning but the sun was on my window so I couldn't get a photo.
But I got a couple yesterday.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Bet you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you?
As they say on Broadway, "No, No, Nanette".
My short term memory is as good as my long term memory.
Well, that may not be such a good comparison.
At any rate, as promised, here is the first photo of the new bird bath in our back yard.
Monday, May 24, 2021
Yes, we who have been fully vaccinated for a couple of months are beginning to feel our oats.
We went out again today, SWMBO to shop fruitlessly in a couple of big box stores for the eternally difficult-to-find ceramic bird bath.
But then I suggested Jay's Bird Barn in Prescott, known to birdwatchers far and wide.
And lo, we found a birdbath that she liked, that she wanted, though for an exorbitant price.
I convinced her that we would save all that excess money by not driving far and wide searching for a cheaper one and to, for cryin' out loud, just buy it!
She did.
We brought it home and have installed it and . . . wouldn't-ya-know-it . . . I forgot to photograph the damned thing.
That will be corrected by the morrow and ye shall have a photo of it then.
Trust me to say that, in spite of SWMBO's wisdom in bird matters and the fact that this is a considerably deeper bowl, there does NOT need to be a rock in the center of it for the little goldfinches to perch on to avoid drowning.
They mistrusted the rock, not knowing what it was and fluttered around but would not light for a drink.
Finally I convinced her highness and she of usually greater wisdom than mine to remove it.
Nearly instantly the goldies began perching and drinking and squeaking "thank you, humans, we thought that thing was a goldfinch munching sea monster or something."
So I have no photo for you today.
Yes, I do.
After the mental and physical strain of shopping for and purchasing said bird bath we strode bravely into a downtown Prescott bistro for something to calm our shattered nerves and repair our hunger.
For the nerves, a sizable and mighty Margarita for milady and a forbidden gin and tonic for me.
Then for the hunger, a Reuben sandwich for myself and this monster for, predictably, SWMBO.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Ahhhh, Friday.
It makes me want to break out into song.
"Dah Dah Dah Dah
Hmmm, maybe I'll just stick to humor.