Friday, June 4, 2021


 This has been one of those lazy weeks where I spend hours in a recliner in front of the television, or reading books I've missed, or taking naps, or just sitting in the sun staring mindlessly.

And, no surprise, the cartoonists have all gone on vacation or on strike or somewhere.

What that means is that I have no pictures for this week's attempt at bringing lightness to your world.

But never fear, the writers are still here.

And I do have plenty of words.

Cue up the All Words Funnies!

And with that I shall bring a respite for your tired eyes and wish you all a spectacular weekend.

Summer is nearly upon us and we all deserve one of those, don't you think?

To help you glide into the sultry season just remember to always keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Aha! ONE cartoonist is already back to work!)

Thursday, June 3, 2021



This is the front of a birthday card I received from my brother back in April.

The image so pleased me that I taped it to the base of my desk lamp directly in front of me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 Someone who hasn't made up his mind about something is said to be "still on the fence".

It came up because I caught one of our visitors being "still" on our fence.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


 The New Blue Bird Bath continues to attract customers, seeking a drink or a bath.

Here are a few of them.

Oh, they're there, all right.

You just have to look a bit closer.

First a Goldfinch couple, then a curious Mountain Jay, and finally a plump Mourning Dove.

I wonder if their vision allows them to see their reflections in the water.

Monday, May 31, 2021



Let us never forget what the day is really about.

Sunday, May 30, 2021


A new gas station abuilding.

The roof over it is somewhat amazing.

Saturday, May 29, 2021


 In answer to many one request, here is my moon shot of earlier in the week.

Pretty impressive, eh?

Not like the Professor's pictures, where you can (nearly) pick out the golf ball left from a long-ago invasion by an American astronaut.

But if you want impressive, take a look and a listen to this rainstorm video sent to me by Timmer recently.

Have a great Saturday.