I call them "thunderbumpers".
They piled up yesterday afternoon but we only got a brief evening shower this time.
I call them "thunderbumpers".
They piled up yesterday afternoon but we only got a brief evening shower this time.
Some of my (you) readers commented unfavorably on the Legado project in downtown Prescott Valley that I reported on the other day.
Yes, right now it looks very ugly.
But as I've been trying to say, that is the parking garage and it will be enclosed with apartments and retail businesses.
Here, courtesy of Legado, is one picture of what it will look like when it's done.
It will have a rooftop restaurant, a smaller Arcade dining spot and a market at ground level, all operated by the well-known Prescott chef and restaurateur Barry Barbe.
The Legado Project, which I told you about earlier this month (click here) continues to grow in the heart of Prescott Valley.
Well here it is Friday, time for some amusement, and it's going to be hard to top that Paul Newman story from yesterday.
But mine is not to court delay but proudly rather to leap into the fray.
Yeah, I know.
I blew the iambic pentameter in that one but here we go anyway.
I've heard this story before but I want to thank a blogger friend, Kate Mura, for posting it once again on Facebook.
Regrettably once again it is fire season in Arizona.
Two fires are burning in the mountains to the northeast of us here in Prescott Valley.