When I was out running around, doing some errands, this morning I stopped off at a Pony Show.
Now since I live in the modern-day version of the Old West, i.e. Arizona, I know what you're thinking.
You're thinking horses, right.
Well there was plenty of horse-power at this show but it was not the retro kind.
It all came from these Mustangs.
Ford Mustangs.
This was one of the early ones , from 1966.
The first Ford Mustang automobile was a 1964-and-a-half, according to this owner.
He said he'd done everything on his car but the paint job.
(By the way, if you click on the pictures they'll be bigger)
Here's another 1966, alongside one from 1990.
I think this flashy black one was from 1999 but don't hold my memory to be all that good.
This pink one had an intriguing story to it.
The lady who said she owned it, all dressed out in pink to match the car, said her husband had never given her jewelry.
Instead he always bought another piece for her pink Mustang.
He told her one day she'd have a "jewel" of a car to drive.
I told her now that she had the car, she ought to hold out for some jewelry.
She laughingly replied, "Our 20th anniversary is coming up!"
I think that was the best story I heard but there were a lot more proud Mustang owners in attendance and I only spoke with a few.
It seems there's a car show just about every weekend through the summer.
Just recently there was one of all Chevrolet Corvettes on the Courthouse Plaza in Prescott.
I didn't make it to that one this year but I have in the past.
Vroom, Vroom!