Saturday, October 14, 2023


 Today the moon crossed paths with the sun.

It's an annular solar eclipse.

In it, the moon is far enough from the sun that it never totally blots it out, hence causing what is called the Ring of Fire.

I thought you would like to see my photographs of it.

Yes, I did take that photo.

But it's of my television screen as the total annularity was shown from San Antonio, Texas, where scores of people had gathered at the Alamo to see the event.

Here in Arizona, we were a little ways off of the direct path so we never saw the total ring of the sun around the moon.

But, and I am amazed, I found that I did get a couple of photos of what we did see with my Android smartphone camera.

And here they are.

Nothing spectacular but at least you get the idea.

And, by the way, I didn't have any of those special glasses so I never looked directly at the sun.

How was it where you live?

Friday, October 13, 2023


 So 'tis Friday once again.

How was your week?

Mine (DBacks knock Dodgers out of post-season baseball) was okay.


But enough about my joy, let's get on to spreading some across the land.

And the seas.

To other lands.

It's time for the funnies!

And, to put it quite simply, that's it Gentle Readers.

Now, as ever, try to live it up the next couple of days and have yourselves an evergreen weekend.

(Oh, and forget that today is Friday the 13th!  Ha! You did, didn't you?)

But always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . now where did she go? . . )

Thursday, October 12, 2023



Just in case you missed it, the (my) Arizona Diamondbacks completed a 3-game sweep of the Los Angeles Dodgers last night to win the National League Division Series.

(It's baseball, folks.)

In the process they made history, becoming the first team to hit four home runs in one inning in the playoffs.

And the fourth one came from Gabriel Moreno who hit what looked like a home run to right field but after he had circled the bases in a home run trot and lengthy consultation among the umpires it was ruled that it had gone ever so slightly foul and he was called back to the plate.

Then he hit the very next pitch into the left field stands.

Blow, Gabriel, blow!

The team will now go on to play either Philadelphia or Atlanta in the League Championship Series to see which team goes to the World Series.

Can you blame me for my hubris today?

Tuesday, October 10, 2023



Lovely Lana & Tommy Terrific

"on the beach"

Monday, October 9, 2023

Sunday, October 8, 2023


Is there no joy greater than that of a boy and his dog?

Even if "the boy" is 70 years old?

Judy's son, Scott, and his new friend, Blaze.

Saturday, October 7, 2023


When I was out running around, doing some errands, this morning I stopped off at a Pony Show.

Now since I live in the modern-day version of the Old West, i.e. Arizona, I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking horses, right.

Well there was plenty of horse-power at this show but it was not the retro kind.

It all came from these Mustangs.

Ford Mustangs.

This was one of the early ones , from 1966.

The first Ford Mustang automobile was a 1964-and-a-half, according to this owner.

He said he'd done everything on his car but the paint job.

(By the way, if you click on the pictures they'll be bigger)

Here's another 1966, alongside one from 1990.

I think this flashy black one was from 1999 but don't hold my memory to be all that good.

This pink one had an intriguing story to it.

The lady who said she owned it, all dressed out in pink to match the car, said her husband had never given her jewelry.

Instead he always bought another piece for her pink Mustang.

He told her one day she'd have a "jewel" of a car to drive.

I told her now that she had the car, she ought to hold out for some jewelry.

She laughingly replied, "Our 20th anniversary is coming up!"

I think that was the best story I heard but there were a lot more proud Mustang owners in attendance and I only spoke with a few.

It seems there's a car show just about every weekend through the summer.

Just recently there was one of all Chevrolet Corvettes on the Courthouse Plaza in Prescott.

I didn't make it to that one this year but I have in the past.

Vroom, Vroom!