Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am thankful today for many things.  But most of all I am thankful that I can  . . .  once again  . . .  listen to and share with you this great story from our old pal, Arlo Guthrie.  Happy thanksgiving and enjoy.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


In case you didn't know, Thursday is Thanksgiving Day.  It's the annual day of feasting, overeating and napping between football games.  This year I volunteered to do the turkey (breast), the dressing, the sweet potatoes and the gravy.  The real cook in the family will do the rest.

So today I began the early prep work on the dressing, which involved tearing up two loaves of bread.

Does that look like a lot of bread to you?  It sure does to me.  It's going into the turned-off-but-with-the-light-on oven for 24 hours now to dry.

SWMBO assured me that the bread will shrink once the wet ingredients are added and she reminded me that I love dressing.  I can eat it hot or cold.  I can eat it in a sandwich.  I can eat it with a spoon standing in front of the refrigerator.  So lots of dressing will be okay with me.  

Tomorrow the bread will be combined with two pounds of breakfast sausage, celery, onion, eggs and a bunch of spices.  Then it will be refrigerated until being baked Thursday.  

I don't know about you but I'm getting hungry.

As for today's Gratuitous Critter picture, I think this guy is just looking for a snack.

"I'm lookin' for food in all the wrong places."

Monday, November 19, 2012


Last month I posted about a sculpture created at Bronzesmith in Prescott Valley.  Here is that post.  While the clay sculpture, hopefully to be finished in bronze and stationed in front of the Town Hall, was based on a painting by Western artist, writer and publisher Bob Boze Bell, I failed to name the sculptor.  She is one Deb Gessner and you can read more about her and see her picture at Boze's own web site, here.

My apologies go to Deb for not identifying her in my earlier post.  She is, quite obviously, a very talented sculptor in her own right.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


From The New Yorker:

And then, there's today's Gratuitous Critter picture.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012


It seems Arizona's senior U.S. Senator, John McCain, is becoming more and more loony as every day goes on.  Here's what Dylan Byers of POLITICO reported today:

Hill reporters seem to be testing Sen. John McCain's patience.
Yesterday, Sen. McCain told a reporter that his question was "one of the dumbest questions I've ever heard." 
Today, when asked by CNN's Ted Barrett why he had missed a classified briefing on the attack in Benghazi, Libya, he responded thusly:
"I have no comment about my schedule and I'm not going to comment on how I spend my time to the media."
Asked why he wouldn't comment, McCain grew agitated: "Because I have the right as a senator to have no comment and who the hell are you to tell me I can or not?”
When CNN noted that McCain had missed a key meeting on a subject the senator has been intensely upset about, McCain said, "I'm upset that you keep badgering me."

ALERT:  Watch for McCain to check into a rehab center soon to get his emotions under control!!!
Once again, today's Gratuitous Critter photo resembles the angry Senator.

"Will you idiots just leave me alone!!!"

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I have lived in Arizona, off and on since 1972, for a total of 34 years.  So, being 72 years old, and never having lived anywhere else for as long as 34 years . . I consider myself an Arizonan.  But I have to say this: my state's senior U.S. Senator is an angry old man who ought to retire.  76 year old John McCain appears to have never gotten over being drubbed by Barack Obama in his presidential run four years ago.  It seems he picks fights with the President at every opportunity.  Frankly I am sick of seeing his scowling face on my television screen as he delivers another screed.  

Currently he and his buddy from South Carolina, Senator Lindsay Graham, have said they want a Watergate-style investigation of the attack in Benghazi, Libya that took the life of Ambassador Chris Stevens and two other Americans.  The not-so-dynamic duo have also come out saying they absolutely will do everything in their power to prevent Susan Rice from becoming the next Secretary of State because of her early statements about the Benghazi attack.

President Obama, at his news conference today, addressed the McCain and Graham attacks on Rice, saying . . . if they want to pick a fight let them pick it with me.

Numerous administration officials have said repeatedly that Ms. Rice made her statements based on what was known at the time.  She did not, as Graham and McCain would have it, lie to the American people.

But I have wandered.  I realize that up until this election, Arizona has been a reliably conservative Republican state in the last few years.  But I also heard the pundits this year who said Arizona will be a swing state by 2016.  Coincidentally that will be the year we will see if the then 80 year old McCain will run for reelection once again.  For the sake of my sanity, I certainly hope not.

Today's Gratuitous Critter picture reminds me of McCain's scowling glare.