Wednesday, January 2, 2019


I wandered past a television set today and heard the President of the United States talking about India giving Afghanistan a library.

He said something along the lines of . . "a library.  That's nice.  I don't know who would use it but that's nice."

It's not the library shown in the picture above but still.

Who would USE it?

I would think that there are some, perhaps quite a few, Afghanis who would love to spend time in a library rather than dodging bullets and car bombs and terrorists of one belief or another.

But then I'm not the president so what do I know?

This evening I was looking back at my blog history again and I ran across this cartoon from early 2009, in the waning days of the second Bush administration.


Tuesday, January 1, 2019


As we gather around a warm fire, it's time for another new year and contemplation of what 2019 will bring.

But first, let's take a look back at how 2018 ended.


It snowed for hours beginning about 9:30 in the morning and covered everything around the Catalyst's lair.

Early on I had taken the bird bath, frozen solid, and placed it against the tree where it and its pedestal were soon buried in soft but heavy snow.

The colorful whirligig was snowed to a stop.

The smiling sun faces began to take on a worried look as the snow kept falling.

And the poor rock turtle eventually was left with only his beak peeking out.

It's a chilly 10 degrees F. as I'm writing this and supposed to top out at only 34 today so much of the snow will remain.

But the Weather Gods tell me the high by Friday will be in the mid to upper 50's.

So this somewhat rare snowfall will soon melt and drain away.

It's pretty while it lasts and fortunately I have a full larder and nowhere to go.

Happy New Year, everyone.

Monday, December 31, 2018


This is just to prove that the Weather Gods aren't as smart as they think they are.

Our forecast this morning said we'd have snow this afternoon.

It's 10:20 a.m. here now and this is what I see outside.

The back yard with the mural and the frozen-solid-birdbath leaning against the tree.

Yesterday when I thawed it out and filled it with water I nearly instantly had visits from a Mockingbird, several Collared Doves, a Finch, and a Bluejay.

But they seem to have taken today off or have found water elsewhere.

The patio furniture is also taking the day/season off.

Meanwhile the snow is falling continuously and, at times, the flakes are getting bigger.

My New Year's Eve will be spent in my nice warm home.


The year 2018 is already gone in parts of Australia.

Our turn is in sight.

Here in Arizona the last day of the year has dawned cloudy and dreary with a high temperature expected to be only 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

And snow is predicted to arrive here in the Central Highlands this afternoon.

Probably just a light covering though and it will likely be gone soon as the temperatures warm later in the week.

What can I say about 2018 but "meh".

Perhaps the New Year will be better.

Let's hope for it, Gentle Readers.

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 29, 2018


What was that explosively-bright light I spotted yesterday?

Was it a meteor?

A terrorist attack?

A blown transformer?

No, none of those.

Just a last blast from El Sol for a gloomy, cold winter day in Arizona.

Friday, December 28, 2018


Good day, Gentle Readers.

Now that I've warmed up your humor senses with that Amazon-chicken-egg post of yesterday, let us get on to the real business of the day.

The Friday Funnies!

Now, Gentle Readers, yes, now . . . hitch up your knickerbockers, kindle your spirits, keep kicking knuckleheaded kindergartners out of your way, prepare yourself for a kaleidoscope of kaffeeklatsches, pound the kettledrums in a kindly and not klutzy way . . . . . and have a great weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .