Thursday, March 26, 2020

ThrowBack Thursday

Nearly eight decades ago, I was born in a lying-in home in a small town in northwestern North Dakota.

That was a private home where a midwife would help pregnant women deliver their babies.

I believe there was a doctor, too, but no hospital.

Me and my big brother Wayne

I spent 28 of the next 29 years living in North Dakota.

I remember a carefree youth where youngsters could wander the town by themselves or with friends without fear. 

Romey, Roger, Jim, Jerry, Me, and Boop

We would come home for lunch and at sunset for supper (what is called dinner now).

The same "rules" applied when the family went north 100 miles to fishing vacations at Lake Carlyle in Saskatchewan.

That's probably where I learned to swim.

Me and Jim

We also roved through the woods, "discovering" trails and visited the small store for Cadbury's chocolate bars.

And back home in Stanley we never seemed to mind the long winters filled with blizzards.

We'd go out for snowball fights and ice-skating when temperatures were 20 below zero.

Mom and I

It's a long way to the age we live in now but it brought to mind an old song about the state.

Give a listen.

In spite of the "we nailed it" comment at the end, I remember singing it with self-mockery of our Scandinavian accents: "Y'ought-ta go ta Nor'-Dakota".

Yah, well, let's have a cuppa coffee and some lefse.

It's a great day in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


A quandary stares me in the face.

What shall I post about today in this blog to entertain, amuse or confound you, my Gentle Readers.

Perhaps something about how I should refrain from touching my face, even my beard.

Or perhaps a soul-baring dissertation on how said beard needs trimming.

Ah, the weather!

It is sunny today and the mercury is on the rise.

The omniscient Weather Gods assure me that this leonine month shall live up to it's reputation and our first 70 degree day will arrive on the 31st.

71, in fact.

I am ready for it.

Let's see, oh yes, next month holds a monumental birthday for me as I become an octogenarian!

But I'll save commentary on that event for later.

Well, there's always food.

As I have said, we are well-stocked and last night SWMBO, aka Madame Judy, got artistic while crafting two salads for our repast.

As I recall there are cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, red onion and avocado.

But she opined (and I agreed) that the stars of the show were those fresh little sugar peas in their pods.

The product of my Master Salad Maker tasted as good as it looks.

Some of you have wondered why I refer to her sometimes as SWMBO.

If you look up at the top right column on this page you'll see that SWMBO stands for She Who Must Be Obeyed.

As to how she got that name . . .

And by the way we have a visitor this morning, our neighboring rental cat Matty.

After devouring a snack and drinking some water he has repaired to his customary spot on the couch for a little (or long) nap.

And with that, there you have it, dear friends, another rambling essay about life inside our four walls.

The Covid-19 virus is out there, it's real and it's dangerous, especially to we octo-people.

So stay inside, eat your veggies, wash your hands and be well.

TTFN (ta-ta for now).

Monday, March 23, 2020


We've been having a spattering of light rain here this afternoon.

Earlier, I was out looking at the sky.

To the East

 To the South.

To the West

And to the North.

A little bit of something for everyone today.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Saturday, March 21, 2020


Once the video starts, click the square in the lower right corner to make it "full screen".

Friday, March 20, 2020


Gentle Readers, I hope you're all well and taking proper precautions to protect yourselves from the Covid-19 virus.

It may seem unfeeling of me to present this weekly foray into cartoons during this trying time.

But I think we all need a brief respite from the troubles and the opportunity to smile and even laugh a little.

So, with apologies to anyone who may be offended, let us begin.

And with that (I hear you groaning) I shall return you to your regular programming.

Now let's all be smart, careful and relaxed this first weekend of Spring.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .