That's it, my friends, the humor is depleted.
Now I hope you all will have an almighty, awesome weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . . ah, I see you've brought a friend . . . )
That's it, my friends, the humor is depleted.
Now I hope you all will have an almighty, awesome weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
( . . . ah, I see you've brought a friend . . . )
The BAD (Beautiful Artistic Daughter) has taken on a new challenge.
Using colored markers on blank pages of a notebook to see what comes out.
Here's what has come out so far.
It looks to me like she's reverting to the 60's and I jokingly said "Those LSD trips must still be affecting you!"
Tell me what *you* think of her latest adventure in art.
I woke this morning to find feet of snow from an overnight blizzard blanketing the landscape for as far as the eye could see.
Well, that might be a slight exaggeration.
A lie, even.
Here's a wider shot.
As you can see, it's a light dusting on a small shrub outside our front door.
The rock-covered front yard has less than that.
Still with the leaden sky, it's a wintery scene here in the Central Highlands of lovely Arizona.
But with the sun struggling to break through and the mercury climbing into the 40's today and no more snow in the forecast, Old Man Winter will suffer another defeat.
Especially by Monday, when our high temperature is forecast to hit 71 degrees!
Guess I'd better search around and find a pair of shorts.
"Hey there, Blue Cat, you look cold. Why don't you come over and play with me in this warm, sunny flowerbed?"
Winter, such a it is, has finally arrived in my part of Arizona - the Central Highlands.
We have our first snowfall today.
Granted, it's varying from big flakes falling gently to small pieces spitting through the air.
And it's too warm, so far, to allow much of the snow to stick.
But it's moisture, which is good.
So here are a couple of pictures of our mighty snowstorm.
(You may have to squint to see any actual snowflakes.)
Out of the oven and rested for a few minutes, then sliced it and dove in.
SWMBO, who loves pepperoni pizza, pronounced it excellent.
I have a few pieces left over to be reheated for my "breakfast" today.