More and more, as one ages, it becomes fascinating to look back to "the old days".
My cousin, Bonnie, recently sent me a photo of some members of the maternal side of my family.
This is my grandfather, Martinus "Martin" Halvorson Hylland and my grandmother, Beatha H. Ronningen.
They were both born in the United States but Martin's father was born in Norway and emigrated to the U.S.
The photo must have been taken shortly before Martin's death because that occurred in 1945, when I was 5 years old.
That's me in the lower right corner, holding my cousin Cherie's hand.
My cousin, Bonnie, is the one clowning on the left side of the photo, being held in the air by my brother, Wayne.
I don't think I have any other pictures showing my mother's father so this was a treat for me to see.
Martin, or Grampa Hylland as I knew him, was a farmer in North Dakota.
His wife, my Gramma, lived on after him for many years and was one of the best cooks I ever knew.
I still miss her lefse when the Christmas holidays roll around.