Sunday, July 21, 2013

AND THEN . . .

Finally . . .

A cell came over the mountain just south and moved directly over us at mid-morning today, dropping heavy and cooling rain for perhaps 10 minutes.  It was glorious.


  1. You should have gotten naked and went out and danced in it. No photos required.

    1. I was in t-shirt and shorts when I ran out to retrieve the Sunday paper. Fortunately my delivery person had double-bagged it and it was dry as a bone. I, however, wasn't.

  2. Yesterday, the rain came to us, then it went away again. Perhaps it was something we said! Hoping it'll return. Living near the top of a gentle hill, with little depth of soil over the underlying rock close to the house, means that a minimum of dry weather extracts all the precious water from the soil. On the other hand, the inside of the house is relatively cool. Today, 30 deg.C or 86 deg.F. Too hot outside.

    1. It never seems to hang around though it is sprinkling lightly now, several hours later. It has cooled the outside down. Only 84 F. right now.

  3. A nice bit of relief for you and a nice visual for us on the dry centrral coast.

  4. Steve beat me to it. Maybe "beat me" isn't an appropriate thing to say when you're encouraging someone to get naked.

    1. Hahaha!! I don't think my neighbors on the golf course would enjoy seeing me dancing naked!

  5. Enjoy it as long as it lasts and do remember it... Who knows when will be the next one :-)
