Wednesday, November 19, 2014

HAPPY . . er . . MERRY . . er . . ???

Yesterday my blogger friend Judy posted this picture.  I thought the city of Prescott might be rushing the season a bit.  But then when I was in town, I noticed that the gang at the Jersey Lilly also had begun the festive celebration.

On his balcony overlooking the Courthouse Square, owner Tommy Meredith has his carol singers up and at 'em.

But we can forgive Tommy since he is the main impetus behind the fund raising every year to make sure the Square is lighted and decorated for Christmas.

Meanwhile, downstairs at the Palace Restaurant and Saloon an old west lookalike was maintaining a vigil.

We chatted about the decorations and he said the Palace would soon be sporting decorations as well.  

Merry Christmas, everyone, even though it's only November 19th and a week before Thanksgiving!  I guess it's never too soon to start in Arizona's Christmas City.