Friday, August 14, 2015


In this space I normally have the Friday Funnies, a collection of cartoons I've picked up (stolen) or had donated from various friends. But this week, I've got something different. You may have seen it on CBS News or on Facebook but whether you have or not I think you'll appreciate a story about a boy who just wants people to smile.

The regular Friday Funnies will be back next week but in the meantime, just keep a smile on your face. 

It's addictive.


  1. I saw a story about this boy on the news and it was certainly heartwarming.

  2. Hopped on over from Mr. Cranky's blog.

    I seen this in the news. So far he has made a LOT of people smile. Good for him!

  3. I saw this story on CBS Sunday Morning, which is an excellent program that features a variety of pieces.

  4. I love this story - I saw it yesterday & it made me cry :)
