Friday, December 4, 2015


It's been another rough week but let's put the days past aside for a brief moment and try to get our smiles back.

At least for awhile.

Signs of the times . . .

I think the people who posted those signs may reside here.

With that we turn our attention, very briefly, to the holiday season and an apparent relative of the Grumpy Cat.

Try to have a good weekend, Gentle Readers, and be of good cheer.


  1. Lots of fun ones today. I like the "we can repair anything" sign.

  2. Thank heaven for Friday Funnies but how the heck can it be Dec. 4th all ready????

  3. That poke in the eye really had be chuckling. Thanks; I needed that.

  4. The eye-poke got me!

    My dad made a career of working for Bell Telephone. Yet we never had a princess phone. Wall phones, desk phones, every room, every color. But no princess phone. Except a couple of dozen little plastic ones on key chains.
