Friday, May 13, 2016



Visitors, a landmark birthday, eating out, more activity than in a thousand years.

Frankly, we're wasted.

So (in case you didn't figure it out) Thank God It's The Friday Funnies!

That was just to make sure you were paying attention.

All right, that's enough hilarity for one Friday.

A special thank you to all of my contributors.

Hey, Gentle Readers, here's my wish for the day.

Have a stupendous weekend of resting up, don't forget to tell us about it and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty.

(oh, no . . .)


  1. Now aren't glad I sent you the Mona?

    Leonardo: "Let's back to work Mona."

    Mona: "As soon as I finish my smoke, Leo, just chill dammit."

  2. There is a reason I like Canadians.

  3. Good stuff. Great chuckles to launch Friday Happy Hour!
    BTW-we too needed to rest a bit after our Arizona whirlwind. But we sure enjoyed the culinary treats in Prescott Valley and along the creek!

  4. I'm looking at your currents temps, and it's damn near the same here in Seattle. Something is seriously amiss in the world when your spot in AZ is the same in temp as next to Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest.

  5. That first one made me think...if Leonardo was painting today. Also, I do enjoy Auntie Acid.

  6. Enjoyed your funnies, glad you enjoyed visitors and a birthday!

  7. Kitty, caught in the act! Looks like he had ingested a little catnip as well.

  8. These were all funny, but the one that made me LOL was the gaining 10 pounds for a role - ha!
