Thursday, June 8, 2017


We had a plumber here today to take care of several problems with our new abode.

He was professional, young and said he loved his work.

We liked him and certainly were pleased with his work.

SWMBO finally got to do a load of laundry, the toilet no longer runs all the time, nothing drips and the kitchen faucet is brand new and works like a champ.

Small things but it means a lot.

So our life is settling down.

These beautiful white peonies beautify our living room.

In case you can't tell, they're silk.

In other words, fake.

But they're gorgeous just the same.

I think this earlier picture, taken without a flash, looks even more like an oil painting.

My newly-hooked-up indoor/outdoor thermometer says the temperature outside is 93 degrees Fahrenheit.

But it didn't feel that hot when I was out on a breezy afternoon looking for a place to put it.

Anyway, the temperature inside is a very comfortable 77.

SWMBO is taking a nap and I think I'm gonna have a little lie-down too.

We watched much of the Comey hearing on the television this morning.

As one of my friends said afterward his impression is that the Russians interfered in our election and Trump doesn't care.

And, at least, Senator John McCain of my state should have his car keys taken away.

So it goes.


  1. Einstein took a nap every day after lunch.

  2. My feelings exactly, Bruce. 'Cept it's 68 in the house, and 81 outside. We don't heat up.

  3. Your point about your senator seems most appropriate. What a weird performance today!

    1. My wife and I looked at each other quizzically and wondered if McCain was having a stroke. He mixed words, identities and kept saying the same thing over and over.

  4. McCain's questions were bizarre and unrelated to the topic at hand--Russian meddling in our election. He seemed more intent on criticizing Comey for not prosecuting Hillary.

  5. I like your "painting" photograph, but I'd be sweating at 77.

  6. I didn't get to watch any of this firsthand, but man oh man, Twitter eviscerated McCain. What's up? And his response sounded like someone wrote it for him. Sad.

  7. Your second peony photo has safes of Georgia O'Keeffe about it, don't you think? love your comment about McCain.

  8. I watched most of it, I stepped out of the room and only heard McCain...standing in the kitchen making a tomato sandwich and I kept thinking "whet the hell?"

  9. I actually had to call someone to ask if they thought something was wrong with McCain. It was almost embarrassing. What on earth is wrong with him? So now not only do I have to be embarrassed by the President but I also have to be embarrassed by our senior senator. When will the Republicans wake up and quit defending him?

  10. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers - very pretty! We've had a really cool spring in NC so far. If I didn't know better, I would think that I'd brought Ohio with me when we moved!

  11. I like the oil painting too :-) and we did watch Mr Comey's hearing too, Mr Cain should seriously think about retiring...
