Friday, November 23, 2018


Well, friends and neighbors (and, of course, Gentle Readers), here it is . . . the weekend.

And this is a *special* beginning to the weekend.

Ah, yes, the blessings of the holiday (shopping) season.

But wait!

Wasn't there another holiday recently?

I love the holidays - don't you?

Well, whatever.

I declare the weekend officially here.

Now dazzle your fellow denizens and dumdums with daring debauchery, dapping and dining while definitely dancing away from danger.

In other words, no dozing but have a darned doozie of a weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. Ah, yes, the photographing of food as soon as it is served and posted with the YELP review and on FB. Maybe some day we will stop eating and just enjoy food via the Internet.

  2. Don't mess with that cat - give him the box!!

  3. My all time favorite group of Friday Funnies is today.

  4. Um. It's Buy Nothing Day.

    Turkey talking turkey to Santa.

  5. The one day a year that masses line up to buy shit that no one wanted for the other 364 days.

  6. I admit to taking pictures of my three Thanksgiving meals. And warn you that you'll be seeing them on Sunday's blog. If you dare...

  7. love the first and last pictures!
    Have a good weekend

  8. I love that one about photographing the food, something I do way too much. The only store I went to on Friday was the grocery store and it certainly wasn't busy at all. I stay away from all those rampaging shoppers.

  9. The cat's expression says it all.

    I think the only times I've photographed my food was a bowl of poutine and a beavertail from time to time.

  10. Black Friday is for shopping? Thanks for explaining that Mr C. Previously, I thought it was a day when all white, Asian, Latino and native Americans applied body paint and dressed and behaved like Afro-Americans.
