Wednesday, September 4, 2019


One of our neighbors offered us some veg from their garden recently.

The eggplants became Eggplant Parmesan ala Judy for dinner last night.

That golden flying saucer is a Pattypan squash.

Unless you're a native of the Poughkeepsie, New York area, where it is known as "Schwoughksie Squash."

I owe that last little fact to The Great Google, which also tells me the first word in that name is pronounced as "shwooxie".

The things I learn.


  1. Ah, the things we learn from you! Pattypans! I've had them in white in Michigan. I can't remember what I did with them. Rick said we steamed them and had them with onions and tomatoes, baked, for a bit with Parmesan or breadcrumbs or both on top. I haven't seen one in decades. I really need to have a garden when I retire. No, Rick needs to have a garden. Of course, he will never retire, so I will just enjoy your photos!

  2. I haven't seen a Pattypan squash in years. Thanks for bringing back memories. :)

  3. I'm not sure I would eat one, but they make a pretty picture.

  4. Nice veggies your neighbor gave you. Yum!

  5. You never know where a Google search will lead you. There have been times I've done a quick look-up and an hour later I find myself down the rabbit hole.
    Those eggplants look awesome and eggplant parmesan is a favorite of mine. Especially when it's made right.

  6. We've always called them 'summer squash', they are delicious steamed or sauteed, if not overcooked.

  7. "Shwooxie" doesn't help me pronounce it! LOL
