Friday, November 15, 2019


It's nearing the end of the week and the Catalyst's idle mind encountered a question while thinking about The Friday Funnies.

Can he get a laugh without a picture?

As an experiment, let's see.

Okay, okay, I hear you so I'll bring back the cartoons.

Well maybe just one.

Brace yourselves.

With that, I will call a halt to this Friday Frivolity.

I leave you with my standard plea - enjoy yourselves, have a great weekend and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .



  1. Thank you for the enjoyment this morning. Good selections.

  2. Lots of laughs without pics! Thanks!

  3. These were excellent! Only the raven knows . . . Quite partial to the Vikings. Just great stuff!! So some Friday try pictures - no captions.

  4. The fall down test and Windows frozen gave me a genuine LOL.

  5. Is it wrong to laugh at a French cheese factory explosion?

  6. Because the cameraman is a callous, unfeeling bastard, that's why. :)

  7. That first one hits too many nerves.

  8. Yes, you can definitely get a laugh without a picture. Thank you for that.

  9. Thanks to God for these...They made my day, esp. "The Raven Cat". Keep it coming.. Paula

  10. Well, I'm laughing so I'd say yes, you certainly can do it without pictures. I really liked the one about the windows frozen. It reminded me of the job I had some 25 years ago working on a team that was automating bank branches. My team had to train the staff on how to use the computers. One time when I said "point your mouse" to something, a student actually picked up the mouse and pressed it to the screen. I'll never forget that. It was so hard not to laugh.

  11. Ha! I love the one about the computer -- and that cat picture definitely demands a double-take!

  12. I laughed out loud at the falling down one and the frozen windows. Thanks. :D
