Friday, November 8, 2019



Everyone doing okay out there?

Well, then let's get on to The Friday Funnies.

This is a special edition, brought to you by the Catalyst and his gaggle of Humor Fairies.

Some of you Gentle Readers occasionally express consternation over my constant love and affection for creatures of the feline persuasion.

So this week, we're goin' to the dogs.

So there, I acknowledge the point.

Dogs can be funny and adorable too.

Now all of you clearheaded canine keepers take your dog for a walk this weekend before he becomes claustrophobic and cantankerous.

Make it a SPECIAL weekend and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


  1. Well done, Bruce. You've taken the 'Friday Funnies' to a whole new level.

  2. I love that thinking cat photo! It's priceless.

  3. Love all the dog ones (especially the dogs on their chargers that took me a minute) but that last one of the shadow cat made me laugh and laugh for some unknown reason. Dry humor? Cat satire? These were great. I never know it's Friday until I look in my inbox!

  4. Love seeing these funny furry doggies. Thank you for the canine treat today.

  5. Somebody needs a refund from the No Chew Deterrent company! I'm thinking the company might skate on a technicality, because without punctuation on their label, it clearly says that it is no chew deterrent.

  6. You did well today! I loved them all. It was so nice to look in my in box and see that you had posted the Funnies! ;-)

  7. Dogs are the best! Love the no chew deterrent.

  8. I love all the creatures.

    We got a small tennis ball that Zeppo loves.
