Thursday, November 7, 2019

ThrowBack Thursday

One of our favorite get-aways when we lived in Phoenix in the 1970's.

The Lost Dutchman State Park near Apache Junction.

We hiked up into the Superstition Mountains (behind me) one Easter Sunday toting a picnic lunch and a bottle of wine.

We didn't find the Dutchman's mine.

Ominous clouds on this day way back then.


  1. There are crackpots in them thar hills. My neighbor and his son were hiking in the Sperstitions when someone shot his son. The story was in the Republic. It happened years ago but still a place that draws oddballs.

  2. Time goes by so fast. Someone asked me yesterday about when something had happened and I realized it was 32 years ago and it felt like yesterday!

  3. There's rattlesnakes in them thar hills. You took wine on a hike? And made it back to tell the tale.

  4. I guess that is a rattlesnake deterrent left hand. What was in your right? Classic shot old boy!

  5. We came here in 1974 --- things have changed a lot, haven't they?
