Thursday, February 20, 2020

TBT - Smoke

Once in awhile, I like to look back and see what I was blogging about in the past.

Today was such a day (because I couldn't think of anything else to blog about.)

When I looked back ten years I found a snowstorm had hit us in 2010 but a couple of days before that we had an even sadder event to report.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

R.I.P. Smoky

This is our big boy cat Smoke. We had to put him down today. He got sick, seemingly in 24 hours, and when a veterinarian examined him this morning, he found his red blood cells were down to nearly nothing. It was probably feline leukemia.

It's a pretty sad day around here but I wanted to leave a tribute to a great cat.

I used to joke that when he was younger he liked to read.

He adopted us one day but grew to be larger than either of his step-sisters. Even so he was the most placid of the three. Jazz (on the left) used to hiss and growl at him but Smoke never retaliated. Occasionally Muggles (center) used to have words with him. Smoke just gazed at him.

While he was the only one of the cats we allowed to go outdoors, he spent a lot of time in contemplative poses inside.

But when he did go out he seemed to be a natural poser for my camera.

Or a snoozer on my deck chair.

He was nimble, whether tip-toeing around the edge of a fountain for a sip or two of water . . .

. . . or doing his gravity-defying walk across the top of the fence.

He liked to snooze on the tiles, while keeping a lookout for any brave small birds, or lizards, or bugs.

He is gone now and he will be missed. Our Smoky.

It's always sad to lose a member of one's family, even if it's "only" a pet.


  1. Smoky was quite a looker. You have good pictures to remember him with. It's always hard to let them go.

  2. I am a dog person, but I think I would like a cat like Smokey.

  3. People that think a pet is "only" a pet aren't real friends in my opinion.

  4. He was a handsome fellow, and a king of cats.
