Friday, March 13, 2020


Dear Gentle Readers, if you're like me you've been struggling through another week, full of dire news about the coronavirus, the stock market, cancellations of virtually all events where people gather together and contradictory statements from "the people in charge".

And then we wake up this morning and learn that it is Friday the 13th!

I've got admit, I had never heard of a thundershirt and had to have my humor supplier, Wacky Wally, explain it to me.

But anyway, after a week like that, we all need a little levity so here goes.

And then there's this one, a little off the subject but it tickled me.

So that's it, ladies and gentlemen.

Now without alliteration but with all the hope and grins I can offer, have yourselves a great weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . everyone wants to get in on the act . . .)


  1. Thank you for the Friday morning laughs. We really need them this week. Stay healthy there!

  2. We sure do need some laughs this week! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for the laughs. We can certainly use all the chuckles we can get these days. The one about the airlines I found particularly amusing. My very first flight was in the late 60's and since my flight had been over sold, they put me on another flight in first class (something that never happens today). That flight was simply amazing with a table cloth on my tray and a choice between filet and chicken. Oh and the legroom.... Now I know why people say "the good old days".

  4. I hope the guy on the bike was riding down hill!

    Mime wake...LOL!

  5. This is a great bunch. Dylan hadn't heard of thunder shirts either.

  6. The Hostess's dreams are about to crumble. She's such a big softy that she could never cut it as a waitress. No backbone.

  7. thanks for the smiles. the last frame is delightful...

  8. Meals on wheels, the bread crumbs, and the poor baby who didn't get fed. Great choices! :D

  9. Rarely shop at Walmart these days. I resent the fact that while I am forced to use the self-checkout I do not get the usual employee discount for saving them money.
