Thursday, April 30, 2020

ThrowBack Thursday

A glance at the Good Old Days - before Social Distancing.

College days - how many can cram into a VW Beetle?

Acting in a campus production of "Hedda Gabler".

My co-conspirator Phil Perry and I, posing as college journalists backstage with Paul Desmond and Dave Brubeck.

(We actually were on a college newspaper but it was a different college 100 miles away.)

Welcoming Chet Huntley to North Dakota and actually shaking hands.

Remember handshakes?

Out for a little run with Governor Bill Guy during Bobby Kennedy's fitness campaign.

Me, on the far right, walking backward while filming the governor, Senator Quentin Burdick and Vice-President Hubert Humphrey.

With Congressman-elect Tom Kleppe on election night in 1966.

He later became head of the Small Business Administration and, later, Secretary of the Interior.

Goofing in Madras jackets and sun glasses (at night!) with photographer Bob Barclay.

Goofing with Orly Knutson and Dave Morgan on the road between Indianapolis and Cincinnati.

With my buddy, Tom Cochrun, at WIBC Radio in Indianapolis.

Shaking hands with a reluctant Nguyen Cao Ky while his wife looks on.

(It was in California. I never got to Vietnam.)

Yukking it up with The Duke on the patio of his home in Newport Beach.

With the gang at the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, 1984.

And another gang at the Republican National Convention in Dallas, 1984.

The Hole in the Wall Gang.

Actually Judy and I with Beaner and Timmer (Yes! They really exist!) in Grand Junction, Colorado.

With my old pal, Walter Nixon, and others at a Christmas Party in Mexico.

Bearded Baseball Steve and I in Puerto Vallarta, (before we were Senior Citizens).

Yes, Gentle Readers, those were the Good Old Days, when we could throw our arms around each other, hug and kiss, party together, and gather in groups large and small.

Remember *your* good old days fondly and smile at the memories as I do.


  1. Great photos. What a great stroll down memory lane. The madras jacket must have blown out the camera registration, back in the day. I remember another night when you did a stroll with HHH, though you were not walking backwards.

  2. Wow!!! These are such great photos. What a grand throw back Thursday. You have shaken a lot of hands. I started collecting handshakes about 30 years ago when I heard Orson Welles say he once shook hands with Lincoln. Then he explained how if you shake hands with someone who shook hands with someone who shook hands with someone who shook hands with Lincoln... well then you shook hands with Lincoln. I hope we cross paths some day, Catalyst. We could share quite a few handshakes!

  3. OUCH! My ears! The madras jackets are so LOUD!

  4. What a fun set of memories.

  5. You were lucky that you had another photographer along to record your journalistic encounters. For some reason I don't have any pictures of me with the famous people I met! Everyone will just have to take my word for it.

  6. I wonder how things would have been different if Hubert Humphrey had defeated Nixon in 68? Shit, if Bobby Kennedy hadn't been assassinated. Still don't have a clear idea of the history on that one.
