Saturday, September 5, 2020



  1. Ha ha. Reminds me of driving in Florida and all I would see is a head and the top of some stooped shoulders. ilearned these elderly drivers are called "golf tees".

  2. It reminds me of driving in Florida and only seeing a head and the top of stooped shoulders. I learned these elderly driers are called "golf tees".

  3. That is a great catch! Love Phil's comment!

  4. Okay, that picture brought back an awkward memory.

    One of the biggest, but inadvertent, mistakes I ever made in the crappy suburb I live was testing out a new camera one morning. It was around 6:00am and a good number of people were heading out to work, while I was returning home from my night shift job.

    My nifty new camera had arrived the previous evening and without thinking I ran outside to take some pictures of the moon, which was full. As I tried the different preset modes I noticed I was getting strange looks from the people driving by. Over the years I had learned my neighbors don't take to spontaneous behavior all that well.

    Sure enough a couple of days later my wife came home from walking and told be she had been asked about my "unusual activities."

    I still don't like any of these people.
