Friday, October 23, 2020


 Well, now, I betcha thought I'd never get here.

It's my memory.

See what I mean?

But now that I AM here, let's get on with the humor, shall we?

And with that horrific pun, I will slink back to my dark den of desultory destruction, departing drearily to dreamland, doting on dreams of days past of dining in delicatessens and other diversions.

But before I go let me wish you all a spectacular weekend and leave you with this thought: there are only 11 days to go!

Oh, yes, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . oh, not quite yet, pussycat.)


  1. Thanks for the laughs this morning; just what the doctor ordered. And as our future president would say: "Good job on the D D D D D D's.

  2. I love the cats "pulling" the sled. So accurate of the feline personality! Thanks for sharing laughs and smiles on this dreary Friday. (cold and rainy here today)

  3. I almost forgot that it was Friday! Thanks for the laughs!

  4. The butterfly and caterpillar made me laugh. Well, really they all made me laugh. I just love that one.. and the therapist one... and the laundered money, assault and battery one, etc. Thank you for all of this!

  5. Thank you Robin! Did not get the assault and battery!

  6. I hope that's no indication of fowl play at the Boneless Chicken Ranch!

  7. I'm afraid I didn't get the assault and battery one until someone explained it. I laughed at the cartoon anyway because of the washing machine. 😀

  8. Thanks again!
    We love here kitty every time!!

  9. That jail one really made me think before I got it and the therapist one made me laugh out loud. Another great round of fun! Thanks.

  10. The therapist and the coffee made me laugh out loud! I had to think about the jail one too...

  11. Does this mean Margarita Mondays are starting early
    during election season?
    Good ones this week

  12. Love the theater and the "coffee" - ha!
