Monday, February 22, 2021


 I've been lucky.

My health has been relatively good through the years with occasional minor bumps in the road.

I'm still ambulatory as I approach my 81st trip around the sun in a couple of months.

I don't really mind getting old.

Oh I do occasionally think, "ah, to be 30 again!"

But those thoughts are fleeting.

What I DO resent about aging is seeing my heroes getting older and retiring or worse, dying.

The latest shock was hearing that Kris Kristofferson had retired.

Hell, he's just a kid, isn't he?

Well, no, turns out he's gliding toward his 85th birthday later this year and had been in our ears for over 50 years.

Actually Kris retired late last year but the word just hadn't gotten out until a few weeks ago when he confirmed it.

I always liked this next song that Kris wrote for Johnny Cash.

Heck, I think I *lived* this song, back in the day.

There's another old-timer in this video, Willy Nelson, who at 87 is still singing for his supper.

And the last of The Highwaymen as this group was called, Waylon Jennings, died a young man in 2002.

He was only 64.

So, let's give up a hand for Kris and his pals, one more time.


  1. He's that old? I thought he was about my age, or a little older!

  2. I met Kristofferson when he and barbra streisand were filming the concert scene in the movie A Star is Born at Arizona State University stadium in the mid 70's. I had my future wife with me at the time. She still has a crush on him....but she married me!

  3. Kris was just old enough to hit the sweet spot between the Korean and the Vietnam War, an excellent place to be for an Army Helicopter pilot. He's written a lot of great music.

  4. Always a fan! What a career he had. Enjoyed all of his movies, especially when he played cranky old geezers.

  5. Now I have tears in my eyes thinking about Kris Kristofferson retiring and Waylon Jennings already gone. We are the elders these days. It's been quite journey, and I often think we were lucky that we came of age in the best of times.

  6. You've made Pirate's evening!! He saw the Highwaymen at Wembley Arena in 1989...

  7. Kris is one of the great singers and one of the greatest songwriters. He was a good actor too.

  8. I'm surprised he retired, musicians never seem to quit...Hell, if I could make a living singing or playing guitar I would never quit, maybe at 84 i'd slow down a bit but never quit. Anyway, he is damn good.

  9. He was terrific in Lone Star, played such a compelling villain.
