Thursday, March 25, 2021


 Many years ago we inherited a chair from my late aunt in San Francisco.

She apparently favored a few antiques in furnishing her home.

This one we called The Monk's Chair.

It's been with us for several decades now from home to home, country to country, state to state and city to city.

But always with the admonition my aunt gave us when we first laid eyes on it: that chair is never to be sat on.

When we've gone on the BRD will inherit it and hopefully she'll take as good care of it as we have.

The M thinks it goes quite well with one of her two Music Tables.

That takes care of TBT in the title of this post (ThrowBack Thursday).

And now for the FFP.

Courtesy of Carol the Comic, a Friday Funnies Preview.



  1. Great piece of furniture, at least visually.

  2. I like the chair and the cartoon! Looking forward to the funnies tomorrow!

  3. Why the admonition? The chair looks sturdy enough.

  4. I love antiques and have a few inherited pieces. Most younger people today do not share the feeling. My brother is downsizing and offered his children some very nice very expensive pieces. They said, "That's alright we don't really like 'brown' furniture!"

    I like that chair a lot and would definitely sit in it except the admonishment to not sit does make it a little extra special...keep it unsat.

  5. No Collar ID-LOL! That is a very cool chair. My cat would sit on it all the time. I'm assuming it won't hold the weight of a person, but a 10 pound cat would be OK.

    1. I have a picture somewhere of one of our many cats over the years sitting in it. He looked regal.

  6. yuk yuk yuk!!!! love it. the chair does look beautiful with the table. this reminds me of the trip to Savannah, when I took two of my friends with me to visit my dad. he lived alone and we did not know he had the beginnings of dementia. the four of us went to a museum and the rooms had ribbons that said don't go beyond this point. in the room where we bought the tickets I heard to the woman I was speaking with at the desk shout in horror OH NO don't sit in that chair. Daddy had sat himself in a pricless chair that was behind the ribbons. it did not break.

  7. That is quite a beautiful chair.
    Funny preview for Friday.

  8. My favorite is the doorbells in commercials. Have a good weekend. I'm not saying you're an old geezer, but I hope you don't erupt.

  9. An interesting chair...though I'm wondering about owning a chair that can't be sat on! (And yet we have one in our house too, and its pedigree is not nearly as significant as this one's!)
